Chapter 6: A Little Love Here and There

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"Ow! Lulu!" I yelped putting down my straighter and clutching my ankle. Lulu looked up at me impatiently with her head cocked to the side. "We need to cut your nails or something." I grumbled. Lulu let out another impatient bark as I stepped over her and walked back into my room in search of my backpack.

"Emma! Are you home?" I yelled aloud. Emma has disappeared every morning since Kelly informed us about her wedding. They've been making plans for the last week but giving us only vague information.

"Yeah, I'm heading out soon! What do you need?" Emma's voiced called out. Finally finding my backpack under my bed, I swung it over my shoulder before heading towards the door. I clicked my tongue to call Lulu out of my room before shutting the door behind me.

"Feed Lulu, she's being annoyingly impatient!" I called back slightly agitated over Lulu's constant demand for food. I bounded down the stairs while running a hand through my hair while Lulu sprinted into the kitchen. I followed her quickly to find Emma pouring kibble into Lulu's bowl.

"Eat up, girl." Emma told Lulu once she placed the bowl onto the floor. We let a small laugh when Lulu raced towards her bowl and buried her face into the kibble. I muttered a curse at the time. I only had about 10 minutes before Brynn showed up for school. Emma watched me as I treated myself to a bowl of cereal.

"Off to discuss wedding plans with Kelly again, Em?" I asked through a mouthful of cereal.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Emma scolded with a chuckle. "But yes, we're deciding on the center pieces today."

Making sure to swallow first before talking, I asked, "When's the wedding anyways?"

"May," Emma replied as she grabbed a banana off the counter. "A few weeks before your graduation."

I slightly choked on my cereal. "Why are you planning so soon? It's September right now."

"Kelly's excited and wants to make it extravagant since she's big in the fashion biz." Emma explained with a hint of amusement. "Even wants to make each bridesmaid dress represent the person who's wearing it with a few choreographed dances here and there. Plus her fashion show is still close behind and she doesn't want to stress."

"It's a wedding, not a ball." I retorted, dumping my bowl into the sink. Emma rolled her eyes and gave me a light shove.

"It's her big day, leave her be!"

I stuck my tongue at her just as a loud blaring noise cut through the air. I titled my head up and groaned loudly.

"Your ride's here," Emma laughed. "We're going to get more complaints if Brynn continues that."

"Yeah, yeah. I know, I'll strangle her." I snorted. I gave my sister a quick hug and ran out the door. The hot air blew against my body as I walked down the driveway towards Brynn's car. The honking sounded more urgent and continuous this morning making me want to rip the steering wheel off and throw it down a cliff.

"Brynn! Enough! People will think someone's getting mugged!" I hissed once I was in the car. Brynn had a huge smile on her face as she looked at me with wide eyes, a glint of excitement in those green orbs of hers.

I leaned back into my seat and gave her a sly smile. "This is about Brandon, isn't it?" As if on cue, Brynn squealed in excitement and started shaking my shoulders harshly.

"You'll never believe what I heard!" She shrieked. I pried her hands off my shoulder with an eye roll.

"Tell me once all the girls are here, I don't want to hear the same story all day. We need to pick up Dylan but Amber went early to take a test." I told her. Brynn let out a dramatic sigh but pressed hard against the gas pedal putting the car in drive.

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