Chapter 18: A Route Down Memory Lane

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Go read "Perfect For Me" by simplyynina, an undiscovered gem who deserves more reads on her fabulous story (:

Song to the side is "Closer, Faster" by Against the Current, check it out and enjoy the chapter, ignore typos as usual! <3

*Macey's POV*  

It was half past seven in the evening by the time Emma and I arrived home from the mall. We hadn't bothered to take a pit stop and buy some food on our way since halfway through our drive, Emma felt her time coming.

I'm positive that we went ten miles over the speed limit, turning our journey home into some joy ride, in order to save her favourite pair of jeans from being stained red.

We quickly skidded to a halt in front of our house before Emma began scrambling out the car.

"They're in the bathroom cabinet." I called after her. Emma's heels clicked rapidly up the driveway and disappeared into the house. Sighing, I climbed out of the car and slowly made my way to the trunk. I nearly groaned at the amount of bags in the trunk. I never knew how much Emma could shop until she dragged me along for the experience. Know I knew better to make up excuses if I didn't want to shop for hours.

Because my exhaustion didn't give me the will to take two trips, I piled all the bags onto my arms and dragged myself to the house. They immediately, however, gave way once I stepped foot inside. I looked down at the pile of bags dully. 

I'll pick them up later. Or tomorrow. I was way too tired.

I kicked the bags to the side of the door and trudged up the stairs to my room. I shut the door and pressed my back to it, my eyes closing in their own accord. When was shopping so tiring? If I knew Emma was going to shop for as long as she did, I would've made up the homework excuse, just as Adrian had done.

With my eyes still closed, I hung my jacket on the back of my door. A sharp scream left my lips when I turned around to see a silhouette in the darkness. The shadow shot up from its seat on my bed and rushed in my direction.

I couldn't believe this. I leave for a few hours to do something simple as shopping and a random person was in my bedroom, ready to rape me.

If I'm not mentally scarred after this day, I will forever shop online.

Before my fist could connect with the stranger's face, it was caught and my lights turned on, revealing a startled Adrian staring back at me. 

I let out a huge breathe of air. Thank god it wasn't some kind of murderer. I pulled back my fist and punched his shoulder instead, giving him an annoyed look. "You scared me!" I cried out.

Adrian chuckled at me. "I could tell."

I rolled my eyes and pushed past him, falling backwards onto my bed. "What are you doing here?" 

"I'm happy to see you too." He said, collapsing next to me.

I turned my head to him. It was then that I noticed his stiffness. Something happened. And something tells me it was Thomas. "You okay?"

Adrian ran a hand through his hair and down his face, moving his head in a nodding and shaking manner, breathing deeply. I waited patiently for him to collect his thoughts and took the time to analyze him. It was obvious that he was upset. I could tell through the set jaw and clenched fists pressed against his eyes that were tightly closed.

The sudden uniqueness of his choice of clothes caught my attention next, and I knew he wouldn't have gone out in public if not for someone running him out due to annoyance, which brings me back to the whole Thomas thing.

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