Chapter 20: I Am Not Thankful for Your Presence

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Check out "Dark Blue" by starfromouterspace! It's such a beautiful and amazing story with a great message to it :) And once you finish that, hop on over to the SEQUEL "Light Blue"! Yeah, it's got a sequel, 'cause it's just that awesome ;)

Read A/N for the reason for the song to the side, haha. -->

Ignore funny mistakes and weird typos, enjoy the chapter :) 

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Ah, Thanksgiving.

The holiday where we give thanks to everything we're grateful in life. Families reunite with loved ones and, best of all, kids get out of school. This is the one day where my dad has an excuse for the feverish amounts of turkey and pie sitting on the dinner table. If he were cooking, I'm positive that turkey would initiate our gag reflexes after we recover over a pie coma.

While as my dad would be sitting in a corner with apple pie sitting in his heads.

It's a good thing my mom voluntarily cooks our dinner on most nights.

"I'm off!" Brynn announced proudly as she hiked her backpack over her shoulder. I smiled and shut my locker door, coming to pull her into a hug. Brynn was off to California for the four day break from school and wouldn't be back until late Sunday evening. Her family was scheduled to leave straight after the bell, which is right now.

"Have fun," I told her with a smile, holding her at arms length.

Brynn tapped my cheek playfully. "Thanks, and don't get pregnant while I'm gone." She winked, effectively wiping the smile off my face and replacing it with a flat look.

"Just go."

Brynn let out a bark of laughter. We hugged once more before she jogged out the front doors and to her jeep. Turning around, I saw Adrian and Brandon walking in my direction. Brandon watched Brynn leave wistfully. Adrian's arm slipped around my waist, pulling me into a hug and pecking my cheek. 

"Hey," He greeted

"Hi," I said softly, giving him a smile. "Missing Brynn alright, Brandon?" I asked the other boy, teasingly.

Brandon sighed deeply and leaned against the locker. "I can't believe she's leaving for California for Thanksgiving break." He pouted.

"Dude, she'll be back in four days. I think you'll live," Adrian chuckled.

"Whatever," He huffed. And with that, he turned around without so much as a goodbye. We watched him leave silently. Brandon acts as if they're a long term couple, yet he hasn't officially asked her to be his official girlfriend. I'm not even sure what they're status is.

"He's confusing," I mused, turning to face Adrian.

"He is." He nodded in agreement. A look of discomfort crossed over his face as he changed the subject. "I got to tell you something."

I quirked an eyebrow suddenly feeling uneasy about what could come out of his mouth. With all the little bumps tripping things between us that involve his career, I could never predict what's going to happen next. For all I know, Adrian could be hopping onto a plane and leaving the break as well, when the Chapmen family are expected for dinner tonight at our house. 

It's going be the first dinner our two families has had since they returned from LA. Emma is quite excited to catch up with Kelly about her upcoming events, and my parents are looking forward to having some time with their good friends.

Adrian tapped my nose with one finger. "Don't pull that face, you don't know what I'm going to say yet."

"Well you never know." I shrugged, leaning back on the row of lockers with his arms still wrapped around my waist. Adrian tilted his head to the side and leaned closer along with me.

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