Chapter 15: Dance With Me Sweetheart

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*Macey's POV* 

A few seconds after the music ended, I made a beeline towards my bag in desperate need of some water. I tugged open my bag and pulled out a bottle. I was in the middle of feverishly chugging the liquid down my dry throat before a hand rudely snatched out of my hands, spilling a couple drops on my shirt.

"Rude." I chastised my blonde headed friend as she drank my water. She crushed the empty bottle and sighed in content. It was one of those days Lucile actually treated us like we were going to perform for an actual crowd. With hours of practice and making sure each move was perfect, it really takes it's toll on us.

It was worth it at the end, though, to have the feeling of accomplishment and to stare at one another knowing we nailed the routine. The magical thirst quenching liquid  – also known as water – is a much needed item after a day's work. But it apparently also brings the thief out of an exhausted dancer.

Brynn grinned at me, "Sharing is caring, Macey." She said in a teacher voice.

"Well then you wouldn't mind knowing that I stole $20 from you earlier this week?" I asked sweetly.

"I also took some money." Dylan added, coming to stand beside me. Brynn glared at the both us and turned towards our quiet friend who was standing innocently at the front of the room. Amber put her hands up in mock surrender, silently saying she didn't steal anything when in reality, she stole a few bucks in order to purchase a book at the library.


"Don't finish that sentence, young lady," Lucile interrupted, sauntering back into the room with three boys trailing behind her. I smiled at the sight of my three favorite guys. "A dirty mouth leads you to nowhere in life." 

"I beg to differ." Chase smiled triumphantly, getting a horrified look from Amber's mother. Brandon snorted from next to him and shoved his shoulder.

"You're disgusting." He retorted.

"And you're such a girl." Chase shot back.

"And you two fight like an old married couple." Adrian countered. Laughs filled the room while the two scowled at my best friend. It was times like this why I really enjoy dance practice, especially if the guys are here to liven it up a bit.

"Kids these days," Lucile shook her head with a smile before turning towards us. "Great job today, girls. Maybe next time you could give the boys a performance one day."

"I'd rather not give the boys a lap dance." Dylan said smoothly. My mouth dropped just like everyone else in the room. Amber flushed a bright color, knowing that we just humiliated her in front of her mom. It's pretty much a miracle that Lucile allows her daughter to hang with us, let alone Amber's innocent mind isn't corrupted by now.

"Bye mom." Amber shooed quickly, literally pushing Lucile out by the shoulders. After the door shut closed, Amber looked at us in complete disbelief.

"You guys are unbelievable!" Amber hissed. Chase laughed and ruffled Amber's hair.

"You love us anyways." He said cheekily. Amber scowled slightly but didn't object. Adrian's arms slid around my waist and pulled me to his chest. I rested my head back against his shoulder's with a sigh. The drama involving Thomas had disappeared for the time being. I was touched that Adrian didn't wait until Thanksgiving dinner to come and fix things with me, even if I was being dramatic about the whole situation. But the thought of changing what Adrian's fans thought of him was something I really didn't want to do. 

As a child he was always thinking about becoming an actor. There's probably dozens upon dozens of home made videos that Adrian has acted in, me being his trusty camera girl. He wouldn't admit this but I knew Adrian loves his career and would give anything up to continue what he loves doing for the rest of his life. I just didn't want to be the one person that ruins it for him.

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