Chapter 27: No Matter the Miles

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the long awaited final chapter to childhood crush is here! i can't believe this is it, it all ends here :) there will be a short closing epilogue, but other than that, this is it! please read the ending author's note for important thought and explanation, ignore weird mistakes and typos, and enjoy!

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"Come find me, sweetheart."

Buried beneath the swarm of text messages I was receiving from the girls and my sister, that text sent from Adrian were the only words I was concerned about at the moment. If he'd taken off so quickly after the meeting, he must've went off to think on his own. I would've, too, if I had an overbearing manager hovering around, and who's persistent into getting what he wants all the time. Nobody had a clue as to where he ran off to, but I hoped that my inkling was correct. And this text was an invitation to take it.

Putting all my trust in one assumption, I turned my phone off and began to drive. I had already made a decision about what I wanted to do the minute after I drove away from Adrian's house. Everyone had mixed opinions on what I should do, but my mind was set.

The sun was nearing its complete descent as I arrived at my destination. The fading rays left a warm orange tint to the sky as it hid behind the sea's horizon. In the distance, the lights lining the entire boardwalk lit up, shining nice and bright as if some stars were out early to play. Removing my sandals, I left my feet bare and exposed as I walked onto the sand in search for a superstar in disguise. I headed east, farther from the boardwalk, farther from their bright stars, until I could no longer hear the faint laughter and conversations that mingled with the waves washing upon shore. By the time I spotted a familiar green hoodie with an old baseball cap on, I could hear nothing more than my own footsteps and the the ocean's tides.

My feet stopped on their own accord, as if my body was physically giving me a moment to pause long enough for me to know that things were drastically going to change from here on out once I sat down beside him.

This conversation was not going to be an easy one to have, but I knew my best friend.

I knew the subtle habits, hated foods, preferred fashion choices, his flaws and his quirks and everything that made him my Adrian. And you know what? My Adrian would not be Adrian without his drive to live on his passion. He thrived on passion, used it as fuel and motivation to get things done and make things happen. Coming home to Miami on a break only put him back where he was four years ago. Although he's no longer a face that so easily blended into the crowd, the Adrian then and now would never turn down amazing opportunities for him.

He came here to try and catch a break, but maybe a short breather was all he needed.

Neither of us spoke as I sat down on the sand beside him. With his face seemingly blank and neutral, his eyes said otherwise. I knew in that moment that he'd been sitting here in thought for a very long while, and that he was nowhere near a conclusion. It's that exact reason I found myself bracing myself for the inevitable results of this talk.

I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my cheek on top, saying with a voice just loud enough to hear over the water, "Do you want to do this movie?"

Straight to the point, that's how we're going to do this. His gaze never left the horizon as he drew in a breath. "Mace, you know I can't go do it. Production starts in just a few months and I'll still be in school."

"That's not what I asked you," I said. "I asked if you want to do it, not if you're available to do it."

"I'm not going to do it, if that's what you're going to try and make me do," Adrian replied, this time with a drawl in his words. "Sure it's a cool opportunity, but I'm not going to -"

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