Chapter 13: Meet the Angry Manager

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Beautiful cover to the side is by @hotteas :) 

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*Adrian's  POV* 

"Adrian Chapmen, how do you explain this?!"

I rolled my eyes from my slumping position on the chair. The minute I parked my car in the driveway, my manager comes out all red in the face. I swear if this was a cartoon, his face could've melted with all the heat in his head. Yes, I did expect the video from the Halloween Party to be posted on Youtube. With the generation today, you think they wouldn't?

My problem is that I don't find it a big deal. Thomas has been my manager for as long as I remember. He was the one that arranged my first audition that landed me my first movie career and later launched my career. One of many cons of having him is that he's strict. And I don't mean 'Come-home-before-curfew-or-you're-grounded' strict, I mean 'If-you-screw-one-detail-your-ass-is-dead' military strict.

My parents stand behind me in the office. They care about my career a lot, sometimes more than me. But the reason Thomas was flipping his shit at me was for the smallest, most ridiculous of reasons. An action that is so normal my parents couldn't give a damn that I did it. An action I've done only God knows how many times that it's been a part of my daily life, a routine of mine. Now you may be wondering what meaningless action could have Thomas pulling his hair out but my family staring at him like he's a complete moron.

I stared at the monitor in front of me with a blank face. The paused scene in front of me completely didn't faze me even in the slightest.

It was a shot of me kissing Macey's cheek.

I kissed her cheek. Did I kiss her lips? No. Did I kiss her neck? No. Did I kiss anywhere else? No. Were we making out on the spot and sucking each other's face off? NO! I kissed my best friend's cheek! I didn't drag her into a bedroom and rip her clothes off while filming the whole thing for God's sake!

Kissing Macey to me was a part of life. She's my best friend, she means the world to me. Not that I've told her that... But I assume she knows it. Macey and I are like peanut better and jelly, she's the ping to my pong, the ying to my yang, the normal to my crazy. Telling me that I can't kiss my Sweet Macey is like forbidding Brynn from liking One Direction.

Never. Gonna. Happen.

"Well?!" Thomas hissed. My eyes flicked between him and the screen. Then I looked up at my parents with a 'Seriously?' look. Dad literally rolled his eyes at Thomas.

"Are you kidding?" He asked dryly. "You're freaking out because my son kissed his best friend on the cheek?"

"Yes!" Thomas shouted, enraged at the fact. "This video got 500,000 views so far! Do you know how many of his fans are gossiping over this.. this.. Macey character?!"

Moron. And quiet frankly, I didn't like the way he said Macey's name. Like it was cursed or like some creepy hobo walking around the streets and not the girl I care for dearly.

"Thomas," My mom started. Her voice was calm but I could tell the words 'You dragged us all the way over here for this?' was at the tip of her tongue. "Macey has been apart of Adrian's life since 1st grade. Those two are so unbelievably close that this," She gestured to the screen. "Is completely normal."

"This is trending everywhere, Mrs. Chapmen. Several of Adrian's fans think that there is some relationship going on between this girl and Adrian!"

"Her name," I snapped tersely. "Is Macey. She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember and I've done this a thousand times –"

"A thousand times?!" Thomas cut me off again. Dear God, seriously? I've gave fans kisses on the cheek before so why is it a big deal that I kissed my best friend.

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