Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sam pulled his car up to the curb outside the Rehabilitation Centre, switched off the engine and watched as one young man led another purposefully toward the entrance. They would both have been under twenty but the blonde one had a look of wisdom about him that told Sam he was likely a tenant in the Centre. He continued to drag the protesting darker-haired male inside.

The Centre was very strict about the age and condition of its donors. If they arrived with their blood full of toxins, they were put on a rigorous program to cleanse them before a drop of blood was taken. The tenants, the majority of which were homeless, were then provided with food, clothing and a bed in a dorm on the centre's vast grounds. Those who had completed cleansing were rewarded with a more private room shared with three others instead of thirty.

The donation process had two stages. The first the donor knew about as they willing gave 470ml of their blood through a cannula and were paid fifty pounds for this every three weeks.

The other method they had no memory of, other than they felt euphoric and were more than happy to believe the 'hypnosis' treatment was responsible. The Centre's accounts showed them as a charitable organisation receiving monies through their benefactors, who remained anonymous. Occasionally it would take in and help underage kids who found themselves homeless for whatever reason, and these kids would not be subject to the donor regime. Instead, they were counselled and schooled on a separate area of the grounds until they reached eighteen. At this time they could either stay on to become donors or were assisted to find jobs and start a new life. Their memories of course, were checked and altered upon leaving. The notorious John was one of those kids, but had somehow managed to slip the net.

Sam made his way inside the building marked Clinic, past the overflowing waiting room, where the two young men Sam had seen minutes ago already waited, and walked straight through to the manager's office. He knocked politely before pushing open the heavy door.

"Mr. Morrow, to what do we owe to honour of your presence? Please take a seat." The kindly-looking matron smiled broadly and patted her hair into place.

"Mrs. Kidde, I hope you're well." He smiled in return, taking the seat she indicated, away from the window. "I apologise for the short notice. I require several days worth of supplies - enough for two. I'm leaving on a business trip and don't want to have to look for donors for the period we're away."

"Oh? Why not take a donor with you? Surely that would be more sensible, never mind convenient for you both."

"Not really an option as my associate hasn't quite come to terms with the living donor scenario as yet." He impatiently drummed his fingers on the arm of the sofa.

Mrs. Kidde pressed a button on her desk phone. "Daniel, please have eight bags of today's harvest boxed and left at the front desk for Mr Morrow... Any particular brand Sam?" she asked, raising a single eyebrow in enquiry.

"Whatever is at hand will suffice, thank you."

"Thank you Daniel, Mr Morrow will be over momentarily to collect it... No, charge it to his account."

Sam got up to leave but remembered the other purpose for his visit. "Do you remember that young troublemaker, John? Blonde, light eyes, all skin and bones? He broke your window with a football?" She nodded her reply. "He has been able to access the premises and video tape a live session. He came to me with the intention of selling the story to the paper and made a run for it when he realized that I'm involved here. I will be apprehending him myself when I return from this trip, but it may be advisable to beef up security in the meantime."

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