Chapter 14

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A black van pulled into Rosemary's driveway , spewing gravel as it slid to a stop.

Rosemary moved the curtain aside to look out the window. "What the... Damn," she swore. "They've found us! Quickly girls, get to the car. The protection spell won't hold up for long once they start forcing it."

Irene and Adie raced to help her.

Rosemary refused. "No, I'll be staying here to hold them off."

"Grandma they'll kill you. You have to come with us," Irene pleaded, tugging on her grandmother's arm.

"Irene, you know I love you, but we really don't have time for this. We will all die if you waste it. I'm dying anyway, Dear, let me go out with a bang and maybe I can take some of them with me. Now go!"

Irene hugged her and fled the room, fighting the tears threatening to blind her. "I love you Grandma," she called as she reached the garage door.

Adie followed closely behind and grabbed the keys from the hook just as the demon's minions broke through the front of the house.

Rosemary cracked her knuckles and laughed hysterically as several minions attempted to enter the house. Every time they tried to cross the threshold, they were flung back out, landing on their backs several feet down the path. As she predicted, the protection spell weakened with each one that touched the door.

She chanted her spells while forming fireballs to throw at the fiends who dared to threaten her family and friends. On hearing the car engine start and a crash of the garage doors as her granddaughter fled for her life, she turned attention to the intruders. With a plan firmly decided, she lowered what remained of the protection shield to allow the minions to enter. Once they crossed the threshold, she resurrected the protection spell to trap them all inside with her. In one final draw of her energy, she created as much fire as she could and sent the demon's helpers back from whence they came.

Orange and yellow flames erupted through the living room window, catching Adie's attention in the rear view mirror. She prayed the old woman's sacrifice had not been in vain.

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