Chapter 15

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"Where are my manners?" the snake-headed demon mocked. "We have not been formally introduced. Sam would you care to do the honours?" he asked with a snigger. "No? I think he's rather indisposed at the moment so allow me. My name is Lucien, Master of the Seventh Underworld, Commander of Legions, Gatherer of Souls and..." He chuckled, "Slaughterer of Parents."

He bent at the waist while he rolled his hand and swept his arm across the front of his body in a formal bow. His eyes never left her. Callie stood frozen to the spot in fear of the fiend that stood just two metres from her.

"Kneel before me, child," he instructed. Callie unwillingly fell to her knees. He rubbed his hands together with glee. "This is going to be so easy. When my band of not-so-merry followers arrive with your sister, we can get started on transferring your powers to me."

Anger spiked within her and she growled, forcing her words past her unmoving lips. "Don't touch my sister." At the thought of another monster hurting Adie, she mentally called out to her, hoping to warn her to escape before they captured her. Adie? Adie please hear me! You're in danger.

Irene and I are okay, a faint voice replied. Her grandmother held them off so we could escape...Cal? Cal?

Pain in Callie's head cut the connection short, increasing in strength until it became unbearable. The demon tried to force his way past her shield. She could feel the iron wall in her mind begin to heat up, taking on a red-hot glow as he forced more of his own power against it. Drawing strength from the knowledge that Adie was safe, Callie visualized water pouring over the iron wall to cool it and harden it more.

"No," she whispered. "No." Louder. "No!" she screamed. "You will not win!" Pushing against the force that held her to the ground, Callie stood tall before the creature who had confessed to stealing her parents' lives.

"Relinquish your powers to me or your soul mate will die," he challenged her. A smile developed on his face as she slowly walked toward him - he thought he had found her weak spot.

She stopped a foot away from the door and swept both her arms up from her side, palms facing up, and thought the power word for protection. Cosain. A wall of white flame appeared between Lucien and the cell holding Sam.

"Mine," she hissed through her teeth.

Rage enveloped the demon. Without thinking, he reached for her, but when his hand touched the portal boundary, represented by the door, he was flung backwards to land hard on the other side of the room.

Callie broke into hysterical laughter at the sight of the big, bad demon flying through the air with his arms and legs akimbo. The resounding crunch as he landed on his ass proved to be a very satisfying sound.

He scowled at her and shuffled backwards until his back hit the wall. "Stop laughing," he ordered. She laughed harder. "Stop laughing!" he commanded.

She continued until tears were running down her cheeks. They ceased only when she could no longer draw a breath.

Realization dawned on her. "Your power comes from other's fear?" His eyes snapped to meet hers. "Hear this, Lucien, Master of the Seventh Underworld, Commander of Legions, Gatherer of Souls, and Slaughterer of Parents. I know your name. And guess what?" she asked, but didn't wait for his reply. "I'm not afraid of you. You have no power over me."

Expecting something to hit her when he flicked his hand in her direction, she ducked. Nothing happened. When she looked up, the door between them vanished as if it had never been there. The smooth walls of the basement store were continuous and unblemished. Sidney chose that moment to enter the room looking a little worse for wear. She was battered and bruised from head to toe, with blood dripping from a split on her lip.

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