Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Callie flew at Blondie, grabbing a fistful of pale hair. She yanked the woman from Sam's unmoving body and flung her away. In the confines of the small room, she hit someone else, sending them both into the wall. They slid to the floor in a heap of tangled limbs. Blondie was on her feet in a second, her eyes glowing gold and her teeth snapping like a vicious dog's. Talon like fingers attached themselves in Callie's shoulder and tore at her flesh.

Callie turned her head and bit into the wrist attached to the offending talons, tearing her own pound of flesh. A pair of strong arms grabbed her from behind to pin her arms by her sides. Someone else grabbed Blondie to hold them apart.

"Let me go!" Callie hissed, struggling to free herself from the iron grip holding her captive.

"What the hell's gotten into you? She's not hurting him," asked the disgruntled voice of the man holding her.

"Get her out of here now!" Sidney chorused from the doorway. "Why the hell is she here anyway? Didn't you throw her out last night?"

Adie arrived and shoved her way into the crowded room. Her eyes flicked between Callie and the blonde, she could feel the animosity Callie felt toward the woman, because of their bond. She knew immediately that Callie was seeing a replay of her first heartbreak in college when she found her first lover with a blonde bimbo in a compromising position.

"Callie calm down," Adie soothed. "Deep breaths, slowly in...and ....and out..."

Relaxing slowly, the tension easing because of Adie's words and mere presence, Callie replied, "Just keep her off him and I'll be fine."

The blonde shook off her restrainers grip. "I can walk on my own," she spat, shooting a glare in Callie's direction. Her eyes, having returned to their natural porcelain blue, were cold and piercing.

If looks could kill, Callie thought.

We'd all be dead, Sidney finished in Callie's mind as she led Blondie out of the room.

The arms around Callie relaxed their tight hold. She swung her head to see who had held her, only to find him gone. Rick was the closest and he was staring at Adie as though spellbound. She waved her hand in front of his face and he didn't blink. He just watched, mesmerized, as Adie flung herself in her sister's arms.

"Rosemary is dead. She died fighting off a load of demon creeps so we could get away," Adie whispered in Callie's ear. "The house burned to the ground with her inside."

Callie released her sister enough so she could pull Irene into the hug. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. If I hadn't come to your home, they would never have attacked and Rosemary would still be here. I am so, so sorry."

Irene brushed at a tear rolling down her cheek. "No, it's not your fault. The demon, whose name is not to be mentioned, is completely to blame for the attack." She took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. "Grandma was dying of lung cancer. The doctor gave her six months and that was nine months ago. It was expected. At least this way she went with a bang like she wanted, and I was spared from having to watch her suffer."

Callie and Adie exchanged a silent agreement. "You're coming to stay with us," they said.

"If you want to that is?" Callie added.

Irene nodded. "I'd like that. I've nowhere else to go. Grandma was all I had left."

Adie placed a glowing hand over Callie's injured shoulder to speed up the healing process. She noticed Rick staring at her and frowned at him. When he didn't react, she stuck her tongue out.

Callie - An Enchantress Novel - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now