Chapter 13

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Gill answered Callie's call on the third ring, though didn't manage to get a word out before Callie quizzed her. "Has there been any word yet, Gill?"

"Oh hi, Callie, I'm afraid there's been nothing from anybody. None of his contacts have seen or heard from him since he left with you. None of the registered donors either."

"That sucks. Listen, I might have a lead. I'm on my way to check it out. Speaking of donors I really, really need to eat and soon, my throat is starting to burn. Would you point me in the direction of the nearest bank please?"

"Of course, where are you at the moment?"

"Just coming into Seven Tower City."

"There's a big building right next to the hospital. Go round the back to the red door. Ask for Sidney, she'll sort you out. Just tell her it's for Sam and I'll ring ahead to clear it to be put on account."

"Thanks, Gill, I owe you one."

"Call if you hear anything?"

"Yeah, you too?"

Callie hung up and concentrated on finding the hospital. The signposts were fairly decent, but it was a big city and it took a while to find the red door once she was in the area. It was as she was nearing the point of grabbing some poor passing human that she finally spotted it.

"Come on, come on." She willed the door to open with gritted teeth.


"I need Sidney," Callie hissed through tight lips.

Someone shoved a bag of blood into her hand, which she ripped open with her teeth. She gulped the thick liquid down, barely tasting it.

"Now you can come in," the voice said. "Gill told us to expect you, so how much do you need?"

She considered her predicament. "Maybe another two for me and I think a couple for Sam, if you can manage that much?"

"You know where he is?" A female voice asked as she came into the hall.

"I don't know for sure, I think he's trapped in a warehouse near the ferry port. I'm heading there now to try and find it."

"I'm coming too." The woman stuck out her hand. "Sorry, the name's Sidney, Sam is my sire too. I guess that means were blood sisters."

"How did you know Sam's my sire?"

"Gill told us. With both of us looking we have a better chance of finding him."

"But you don't know what you're looking for," Callie said with reservation.

"I'm a telepath. I can see the building in your mind. I'll also show you how to shield your thoughts on the way. You really don't want certain beings knowing what you are - witch."

The latter was said without malice and the former made Callie wonder who or what she could be talking about.

"The red-eyed demon, dear," Sidney answered her unasked question. "I'm driving. I know these roads better than you do - I've been driving them since cars were invented."

Callie couldn't argue with her logic and once they were on the road again, Sidney kept to her word.

"Imagine your mind is a series of filing cabinets. Now imagine a wall around them - all the way round. The stronger the better," she started.

"Okay, I think I've got that."

"Try something a bit stronger that bricks," she suggested.

"How's that?"

Callie - An Enchantress Novel - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now