Chapter 8

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Callie's mind spun as she tried to come up with a way to get the most hated man in her life to invite her in. She eventually conceded after an hour of pulling her hair out. I need to call Adie, maybe she can help.

"What has got you all excited, but anxious at the same time?" Adie asked as she answered the phone practically before it even rang.

"Uncle George has something I need and we're going to pay him a visit," she replied.

"And you're excited about that?"

"No, I'm excited because I'm a vampire and I'm going to show him what that means."

Adie caught on quickly to Callie's way of thinking. "Now that I've got to see," she exclaimed eagerly.

"Our problem is we can't enter his house until we're invited - any ideas?"

"Hmm..." Adie considered her options, throwing out several scenarios before she decided on one that might work. "How about you get your boss to ring him and ask for a response to a paedophile ring story? If he doesn't agree to an interview, tell him it will be published as no comment from the alleged organizer. That way he'll look guilty. It might be enough to sway him."

"Adie, you are a genius. Sam did you hear that?" Callie's anticipation and eagerness was obvious by the way she bounced around the small sitting room.

"That just might work, you know." Sam waited while Callie looked up George's number then dialled. He schooled his voice to try to sound impartial like it was just another story to him.

After barely five minutes, the call ended and Callie was impressed with Sam's smooth persuasion skills. George had denied all knowledge, feigning outrage at such an outlandish accusation, but agreed to a proper interview that evening.

"It's all set. If you insist on your sister being there, we'll pick her up on the way."

"Oh that's okay. She'll be coming here when her shift ends this afternoon, which is in about an hour by the time she walks the couple of streets from the hospital. I'm just going to change before she gets here," Callie said, moving in the direction of the bathroom. She stopped at the door to pick up her bag. "Thank you for doing this."

Sam smiled.

When the doorbell rang, Callie leapt over the sofa and raced to the door just as Sam opened it to reveal an almost exact replica of Callie. The scar that ran from her left eye to the corner of her lips was the only difference he saw before he was shoved aside and the woman enveloped in a bear hug.

Callie flung her arms around her sister and placed her head against her neck, inhaling the scent of home. She felt grounded at last. Turmoil had been building inside her to the point that she thought she would burst.

"Cal, too tight - can't breathe," Adie choked out, patting her sister's back in surrender.

Sam reached out to pull Callie from her when she lifted her head and abruptly let go. "God, I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?"

Adie shook her head and chuckled softly. "No, you're just stronger than you think. So you gonna fill me in on what's happening?"

Sam motioned for her to enter with a sweep of his arm. "Please come in. Your sister is driving me mad with her pacing around the sitting room. A distraction will allow my head to stop spinning. Can I get you something to drink? Tea or coffee perhaps?" Sam asked, as he retreated to the kitchen.

"I would normally have said whatever you're having, but I don't think I could stomach it," Adie replied with a rueful smile as she pointed at the glass on the coffee table. "Just a glass of water would be great, thanks."

Callie - An Enchantress Novel - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now