Chapter Eight: Don't Leave Me

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Im extremely sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been so busy it's not even funny. Now I'm not that busy anymore. I come back on and I see I have 202 reads! Thank you so much for reading! It really means a lot to me. Anyways heres Chapter 8. Enjoy!


Peeta's POV:

My muscles tensed up. I let go of Katniss. I turned and faced Gale. "What the hell are you doing here!?" Gale laughed a little.

"To get my girl back." He growled.

I grit my teeth together. "She's not your girl! And what the hell did you do to her!?" Gale started walking towards me slowly.

"Well, the same thing a guy does to a girl when..." He trailed off. Now we were face to face. "When he kidnaps her. He pleasures her in every way possible." He continued.

Right when he said that, I punched him square in the jaw. He stumbled back, putting his hand on his jaw. I go up to him, grab him by his shirt and throw a couple more punches to his face.

He tackled me and now we're both on the floor throwing fists at each other. Gale punched me in the face and then in the gut. I punched him in the nose and blood started coming out.

He slammed my head to the ground and the last thing I hear is Katniss scream and hear Gale saying,"See you in hell, Mellark." I feel a knife pierce through me, everything going black.

Katniss' POV:

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I'm reliving my own nightmare. Gale looked at me and smiled. He started walking towards me slowly.

He cleaned his knife using his shirt. "Now it's your turn babe." He growled. Before I could scream, I hear a couple gunshots go off. Gale stopped halfway, falling to the ground.

I see Haymitch standing at the doorway of the living room. He dropped the gun, running up to me and hugging me. My body was shaking and cold. Then I remember about Peeta.

I quickly pulled away from the hug. "Haymitch we have to help Peeta! We need to take him to the hospital!" He nodded. He bent down and picked up Peeta. We put him in the backseat of the car. Haymitch began driving to the hospital.

I looked down at Peeta's head, which is on my lap. I cried quietly in the backseat. I brushed his curls away from his forehead. I kissed his forehead, then his cheeks, and then his lips.

We finally arrived at the Hospital. Haymitch took Peeta out of the car, carrying him inside the Hospital.

I followed him. "We need a nurse! Please help!" I yelled. A nurse comes running to us, she looked at Peeta. She called for other nurses, they put him on a gurney.

They started rolling him away and I start to follow them. A nurse stopped me. "I'm sorry Mrs. Mellark, you can't come." She walked in the room, closing the door in front of me.


30 minutes passed by and still no news on Peeta. I'm extremely worried about him. What if I lose him? No. I would never let that happen. A nurse comes out. I got up from the chair and quickly walked over to her.

"Is Peeta okay?"

"They're still doing surgery on him. I just came to get you, so I can clean your cuts and do a check up on you. As requested by the doctor's." I nodded and followed her back to a room.

I sat down on the bed.  She opened the cabinet, taking out some bandages, alcohol swabs, and some antibiotic creams. She placed the stuff next to me on the bed.

Were All In This Together- Hunger Games Fan Fiction (Slowly Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now