Chapter Nine: More Surprises

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Hiii my lovely readers! :) I posted my first Chapter to my other story The Good Boy or The Bad Boy. It took me a while but I finally posted it! Anyways I couldn't wait any longer to post this Chapter. So here it is! Enjoy! <3


Katniss' POV:

Right when she said that, I ran down the hallway. "Peeta!" I called his name. I heard Dr. Stone yelling my name but I refused to listen.

"Peeta!" I yelled again. I opened the door and saw a whole bunch of nurses around him. I quickly pushed them away and grabbed Peeta's hand. He looked pale and lifeless. I brushed his curls away from his forehead. "Peeta stay with me! Don't leave me please! Please." I leaned down and kissed his lips, crying onto his shoulder right after.

"Alright Mrs. Mellark, we need you to leave." I heard Dr. Stone say. I feel someone pick me up. I quickly looked back and see that it's Haymitch. He took me out of the room as I yelled. "No! Let me go! Nooo!" I kicked and screamed.

Haymitch placed me in the chair next to him. I wanted Peeta. I didn't want to be here with Haymitch. I looked at Haymitch. "I want Peeta! He can't die Haymitch! He needs me!"

At this point everyone was staring at me. The room slowly became quiet. "Not right now Katniss. You're causing a scene."

"I don't freaking care Haymitch! Peeta is in there dying and I'm not there holding his hand!" I quickly got up from seat, but Haymitch grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "Haymitch let me go! I need to see him!!" I yelled at him. He simply shook his head.

I tried to escape his grasp but he didn't let go. So I decided to scream and cry for no reason at all. Everyone was staring at me like I was crazy. Haymitch covered up my mouth and picked me up. I thrashed around in his arms, trying to escape, but he was too strong for me. I elbowed him in the gut. He groaned, letting go of me. That's when I made a run for it.

"Peeta!" I yelled. I rounded the corner and run into a nurse with glass objects in her hands. I covered my chest with my arms, yelping in pain. I felt the glass in my arms and hands. Blood was flowing out of both my arms and hands. Good thing I blocked my chest with my arms and hands because if it hit my chest, it could of been worse.

Right at that moment I feel a needle go in my arm. I screeched in pain. I heard the faint voices of nurses and doctors. Right when they picked me up and put me on a gurney, everything went black.


I looked at the cloudy skies and by the looks of it, it was going to rain. I looked down at my black dress that Cinna made for me years back.

Tears were streaming down my face. I heard the Vicor, the one who marries a couple at a wedding, start speaking. "Let us begin. Peeta Mellark was a great man, a great friend to all, and a beloved husband." The Vicor said, looking at my direction. I looked down and sniffled.

"We will all miss Peeta dearly. But know, he's in a better place now and that he'll always be in our hearts forever." I let out a couple of quiet sobs. I felt a hand rub my back. I turned and saw Annie and her 7 year old son.

I looked around and see Haymitch and Johanna standing next to each other. They're not crying but I can see the sadness written all over their faces. I see Effie and mom shedding a few tears. I see my prep team and they're shedding a few tears also. I see Violet and James standing there quietly with Violet shedding a tear or two.

And then there's me crying like there's no tomorrow for my beloved loss. The Vicor finally finished by saying,"Whoever would like to say their final goodbyes, please come forward and do so."

Were All In This Together- Hunger Games Fan Fiction (Slowly Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now