Chapter 1: Mrs. Drevis' Wish

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Dio's POV:


My Name was Called.


The Voice that was Calling My Name Sounded All Too Familiar... I Opened My Amber-Colored Eye to Find Myself in a Bright, White, Endless Void and Right in Front of Me "Stood" The Ghost of The Woman Who Reanimated I and The Other Corpses of Her Cruel and Psychopathic Husband's Test Subjects... Monika Drevis, Herself.

"Ah, You've Awakened at Last..."

"Hello Once Again, Mrs. Drevis..." I Politely Replied to Her. She Smiled a Soft, Motherly Smile in Return. It Looked Like She Had Never Changed... However, I Could No Longer Sense The Ominous Aura Around Her Spirit, I Also Noted that The Regal and Noble Blue and White Ballgown that She Wore was Now Immaculate and Lacking of Dried Blood Stains. The Supposed Image of a Woman Who Matched Her Status of Nobility.

My Slightly Impaired Sight was Suddenly Caught by a Beautifully Crafted Flower Crown that Gently Graced Her Brunette Head... It was Made with Only The Purest of White Roses. Symbolizing Her Humility, Secrecy, Virtue and Purity, Perhaps. By Gazing at Her Crown, It Instantly Reminded Me of Aya Drevis, Monika's Daughter... The Girl was Near My Age; Pale, Porcelain Skin, Hair as Black as Ash and Dark Blue Eyes that Mirrored Her Mothers' Complemented Her Doll-Like Appearance. A Deceivingly Innocent Look of Sweetness and Care Mixed with a Fiery Personality of Persistence and Determination to Save Her Father, I Smiled at My Memory of Her.

"Thinking About My Daughter Again, Are You...?~" A Teasing Smirk Had Curled Itself on The Ghostly Woman's Lips, I Felt Myself Blush in Embarrassment and Hurriedly Denied Her Jest. With That Little Moment Aside, I Noticed The Smirk of Hers Had Slowly Faded Away, A Grim Remembrance Gleaming in Her Dark Blue Eyes, "Dio, Please, Help Me..." She Pleaded with Grief.

"What is Wrong, Mrs. Drevis?" I Asked Her in Growing Concern, Her Change in Attitude Had Caught Me Off of My Guard. She Hesitated to Answer Me for a Moment, Soon Taking a Breath to Try and Compose Herself, Before Whimpering Out in a Quiet Voice, "I-It's Aya... She Has Gone Insane! My Dearest Daughter Has Been Luring Innocent, Sickly People Into Her Clinic just to Cruelly Murder Them and Turn Them Into... Into..."

"...Human Dolls. This Tragedy Came to Be When She Had Looked Through Her Father's Horrid Book, Whom He Labeled 'The New Text of Anatomy', On The Night that She and Maria Had Fled Our Burning Manor."  I was Shaken to My Core by These Words. Aya. Aya Drevis.  The Sweet Girl I Once Knew for Only a Night and Had Secretly Fallen in Love With When It was Too Late... Has Gone Mad? I Couldn't Believe Her Mother's Painful Confession, This Couldn't be Right!

"I-I Beg You... Save My Daughter from Herself, Please!" She Pleaded Once More, I Sensed that Her Grief was Turning Into Pure Agony The More She Thought About Aya Continuing Down The Path that Her Husband Took. "But, How?" I Inquired Her in Confusion, I was Merely The Spirit of a Corpse. The Spirit of The Remains of an Orphaned Boy Who was Promised a Better Life by Serving a Noble Family... Only to Die a Slow and Torturous Death in Secret, Due to an "Accident" with a "Misplaced" Bottle of Acid, "You'll be Temporarily Reborn as a Human, Remain 2 Years Older Than Aya's Current Age and Retain All of Your Memories."

"Please Note is that Aya's Clinic is in The Vicinity of The Remains of Our Manor... But I Must Warn You, Dio. Aya will be Difficult to Save, Her Descent Into The Abyss of Madness Has Become Quite Deep from Her Continuing to Read That Horrid Book." She Clarified Once She Had Completely Regained Her Composure, I Gave Her a Grave Nod. I Understood What I Had to Do. I Needed to Save Aya. I Wanted to Save Aya.

"I Thank You Dearly, For I Am Grateful for Your Aid... Take Care of Aya and Protect Her Once More for Me, Would You?" She Asked Kindly, Her Spirit Returning to a Slight State of Peace, While She Wiped The Remains of Her Tears Away. How Could I Refuse The Only Mother-Figure I Had in Death? And I Did Admittedly Owe Mrs. Drevis. Without Her or Her Curse, I Wouldn't Have Been Given The Chance to "Live" My Short, Reanimated Life... Or, Have Met, Protected and Tragically Fallen For Aya as Well, On That Fateful Night of The Anniversary of Her Mother's Death.

"But of Course, Mrs. Drevis."

"Well Then, Dio. I Must Bid You Farewell and Good Luck..." Mrs. Drevis' Maternal and Calming, Ghostly Voice Began to Echo and Rebound Throughout The White, Endless Void as She Had Vanished Away, While I Had Closed My Eye and Began to Fade Off Into The Darkness of Slumber.

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