Chapter 4: Goodbye?

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Dio's POV:

It has been a couple weeks ever since I told Aya about The Truth and Was Reborn as a Human to save Her from falling into the Cold, Unforgiving Depths of Insanity... For these last few days of spending My Life as a Human once more, It has been absolutely amazing! Yet-- There was one thing holding Me back, A Final Decision I had to make that was apart of Mine and Mrs. Drevis' Deal... Either leave with Mrs. Drevis and My Spirit would finally Rest In Peace in Heaven with Alfred Drevis' other Test Subjects or, Stay here and Live here as a Human with Aya and Maria, I Sighed. "Excuse me, Master Dio... What is the matter? Is something wrong?" I turned around, It was Maria with a Concerned Look on Her Face "Ah... Good Morning, Maria" I greeted Her with a Small Fake Smile, "No need to lie, Master... I can already tell something is troubling you. I've lived with The Mistress for about 12 Years to know when something is troubling Her." She said happily with a Reassuring Grin on her face.

I told Her everything-- From when I first met Aya, To Mrs. Drevis' Deal, And The Final Decision I had to choose "I understand, It is hard to make decisions that break your heart... I had to kill the man I loved to save His Precious Daughter, It pained Me to do so... But, I had to do what was right." She explained, Her Voice growing a bit weak as She found Herself tearing up at the Memory. "Ah! If you Excuse Me, Master... I will be preparing breakfast for all of Us. Do you have any requests?" Maria asked Me, While walking into the kitchen "Hm? Ah... No, I'm fine!" I replied to Her, "Very well, Would You mind if I asked You to wake up the Young Mistress? I already have My Hands full at the moment..." Maria then went into the kitchen to prepare for Us, I walked to Aya's Bedroom and Knocked on Her Door, Within a few seconds... The Knob shook then the Door burst open to Aya greeting me with a Smile on Her Face, "Good Morning, Dio!" She said happily.

"The same to you, M'Lady..." I knelt down on My Knee, Took Her Hand close to My Lips and Kissed it, She Blushed and Grabbed My Hand as We walked down the hallway to the Dining Room. All of a sudden, Aya stopped and Inhaled "Wait a second, Do I smell Hamburger Steak?-- Dio walk faster!" Aya Squealed excitedly as She Dragged Me along with Her down the halls 'How Cute...' I thought as I saw Her act like this, All Adorably-Childish in which a 19 Year Old Young Woman like Herself shouldn't be anymore, How I would miss that if... "Ah, There you two are!" Maria exclaimed with a Smile on Her Face as She set up the Dining Table, "Good Morning, Maria!" Aya greeted Her Assistant and Guardian.

~Time Skip, 11:50 PM~

The rest of The Morning and The Afternoon was rather Un-Eventful... It was nearing Midnight soon, The time I have to choose to be separated from Aya and put this Tortured Soul to sleep or Stay as a Human Forever. I sighed, Decided to go Outside to get some fresh air and Sat down on the edge of The Clinic's Porch "Dio, Is something wrong?" I heard Her Sweet Voice ask me in Concern, And of course-- It was Aya, I put on a Fake Smile to hide The Pain that was eating away at My Heart "No, Nothing's wrong..." I trailed off, Aya then sat next to Me and Slightly held My Hand, I turned to look at Her... She was Smiling wistfully as she looked at the Night Sky, I suddenly snapped out of My Day-Dreaming as I heard the Clock Bells Chime and Resound, I snatched My Hand away from Aya's grasp "I am truly sorry Aya, This Relationship between Us... It just cannot work out.".

Aya Gasped and Stared at me, Her Eyes Wide "W-What, Why?" She replied with Shock in Her Voice, I didn't reply. Suddenly... A Bright, Light Blue-Colored Light Appeared and Changed into the Form of Mrs. Drevis, She Held out Her Hand and Created a White Portal, Which I presumed it led to Heaven.

"It's Time, Dio... Have you made your Decision?"

"Yes, I have... Mrs. Drevis." I got up from The Porch, Walked down The Steps, And Stood in front of Aya's Mother.

"Mom? What are you doing here? I thought... You were... That The Magic Water..." Aya questioned her Mother in Confusion, "It was apart of The Deal we had made together in order for me to Save you, A Final Choice... Either, Go to Heaven or Stay as a Human with you Forever." I Turned to Aya and Told her. The Expression on Her Face changed from Shock and Confusion to Deep Melancholy, It seemed she knew what I was about to Pick "You're going to Leave me, Aren't you..." She said Sadly, Trailing off.

"Yes, I am sorry... Like I said before, This Relationship between us... It cannot work out."

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, DIO?! HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" Aya Shouted, She ran to My Side and Hugged Me tightly. "Don't go... Don't leave Me..." I heard her Whimper and Sob onto My Chest, I Hugged her back and Kissed her Forehead saying "May you be Smiled Upon, Dearest Aya... Goodbye.". I then let go of Aya, She fell onto Her Knees, And Sobbed louder... No matter how I tried to Ignore Aya's Pleas, There was that Part Of Me that didn't want to Leave Her, That wanted to be with her Forever, The Pain rose inside Me again, Still eating away at My Heart, I hesitated to step through The Portal... Suddenly, Mrs. Drevis had stopped Me in My Tracks.

"Even if You keep Denying The Truth, I know that You've Fallen for My Daughter... Since I can See that She has Felt the Same Way about You, Stay Here and Be Together."

I Felt Myself beginning to Blush Fiercely in Embarrassment, Yet I Felt Overjoyed to Hear Those Words... I Ran over to Aya and Embraced Her Tightly in My Arms "That was a Very Foolish Decision..." Aya Huffed as She Hugged Me back. "Do you Forgive Me?" I Asked, Aya Smirked Slyly and Suddenly Kissed Me "I Think that could be Taken as a 'Yes', Dear." Mrs. Drevis Spoke Up as We Separated, Our Faces still tinted with Blush...

"Once again I Thank You for Saving My Daughter, Dio... I Guess This is Our Final Goodbye." Aya's Mother continued, Tears Of Happiness started to Well Up in Her Dark-Blue Eyes as She Vanished... One Last Echo of Her Voice was Heard.

"Do Not Worry, I will Always Watch You from Afar... My Sweet Aya."

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