Chapter 2: Rebirth and Re-Meeting

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Dio's POV:

I Slowly Awoke from My Slumber and Opened My Eyes... Well, Rather Eye to Come To in a Slightly Familiar Field Decorated with Quaint Flower Patches, Here and There. The Smell of Ash and Sulfur Had Eerily Loomed in The Otherwise Calming Breeze.

I Turned Around... This was The Place Where The Remains of The Drevis Residence Had Rested. The Remains of a Home that Had a Picture Perfect Appearance on The Outside and Yet, Kept Terrible Secrets Within It's Doors; A Family Coming Apart at The Seams, Countless People Being Lured Into Their Own Slaughter and A Wife Becoming Another Victim to The Pile of Her Own Husband's Mad Experiments, Soon Afterward.

Taking a Breath, I Closed My Eye and Thought to That Eternal-Seeming Night When Monika's Curse was Placed on This Manor... The Confusion of Being Brought Back to "Life", My Fellow Test Subjects Raising Absolute Hell to The Place of Our Shared Demise, Meeting Aya, Briefly Aiding Her Along The Way After Saving Her from a Too Vengeful Spirit, The Feeling of Being Suddenly Stabbed by a Dagger Suspended from Maria's Hand, Swinging an Axe to Alfred Drevis' Chest to Save Aya, Once More, Giving Aya a Good Luck Charm Kiss on Her Forehead as a Final Goodbye and Watching Aya Bid Her Farewell to Her Burning Home with Sadness and Hesitance in Her Eyes as She Gave Me One Last Look Before Walking Out The Manor's Grand Doors... Leaving Me to My Lonesome, Taking a Final Glance Around Myself Before Falling Back Into Death's Embrace. Ah, The Nostalgia of It All.

I Began to Search for The Drevis Clinic After I Reminisced in My Memories; While Taking in The Scenery, I Peered Into a Medium-Sized Pond While Following The Path Ahead of Me, Before Noticing The Wooden Signs that Appeared Every Now and Then and Read 'The Drevis Clinic' Had Led The Way... From Looking at My Refection, I Saw My Appearance had Changed and Matured to The Age of 21, I Guessed. Fresh Bandages Had Covered My Left Eye Socket, To My Surprise. Was This Another Gift from Mrs. Drevis?

My Search Had Soon Reached It's End.

A Simple Wood Cabin Greeted Me With It's Presence.

'The Drevis Clinic' a Sign Posted Near It's Entrance Had Read.

So, This was Where The Supposed Psychotic Aya Drevis Resided.

I Walked Up The Steps of The Porch and Knocked on The Door.

"I'm Coming!" A Light and Dainty-Sounding Voice Rang from Inside, Along With The Clacking of Heels. Once The Doorknob was Done Being Fiddled With and The Clinic's Door Opened With a Creak, I was Met With Her Familiar Face... Aya. It was Aya, The Girl I Once Knew was Now a Young Woman and as Beautiful as Ever. Time was Kind to Our 8 Years Apart; Her Appearance Remained Somewhat Doll-Like, Her Pale Porcelain Skin, Her Once Long Dark Hair was Cut to Her Shoulders, That Gleam in Her Dark Blue Eyes Never Disappeared, It Seemed that Our Height Difference Shortened just a Tad as Well.

Perfect Enough just to Let Her Stand on Her Tip Toes, Grab Me by My Shirt, Pulling Me Closer to Herself Until...

I Felt Myself Blush.

We Were just Reunited With Each Other... Why Would I Imagine Her Kissing Me at The Moment?

I Shouldn't Think About This, I Shouldn't Fantasize, Let My Emotions Get The Best of Me and Let My Feelings Cloud My Judgement... I Can't Be Distracted by a Pretty Face as Hers.

She's Mad for All I Know.

A Surprised Look Had Graced Her Face, "I-It's You..." She Shakily Stuttered, Her Dark Blue Eyes Widened and Gleamed in Disbelief. I Regained My Composure just in Time, "Pleased to Meet You Again, Aya. From Now On, Please, Call Me Dio." I Replied With a Small Smile, She Took a Breath and Shook Her Head, "I'm Sorry for My Behavior, How Rude of Me... Come in, Please!" She Stepped Aside from The Doorway, Welcomed Me In and Softly Shut The Door Behind Her.

Saving You (Mad Father, Dio X Aya)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ