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Ryan's prov.

I was in my wolf form, but this time in the field. Laken was watching from behind me, his eyes wide and fear shown in them.

I looked over at the leader, he was breathing heavily with a low growl and he seemed scary.

He pounced first and I jumped in time to push him away, but instead we bothe ended up falling on the ground.

I stood back up, but that didn't last long because I was bitten in the back.

I could feel the blood being drained out of my and my energy leaving, my wolf was growling and trying to kick off the leader.

It was no use.

The leader flung me to the ground, and then snapped at my neck trying to prove dominance.

He then changed, to his human form but still with fangs and black eyes.

"You are weak." He smiled, and grabbed my wolf neck.

"Ryan!" Laken yelled out.

I woke up, or rather shifted back.

I was hurt badly, but I needed to fight. I grabbed the arm that held my neck and tried to pry it off.

The leader, took me and slammed me against the wall now chocking me even more.

My vision was fading, and I couldn't breathe. I was going to die. Strangely the last thing on my mind wasn't my mate, it was that I felt I was dying of starvation rather then of strangling.

Flash back

I wa walking through town, I was looking for my parents but I couldn't find them. I was asking everyone into but everyone screamed when they saw me.

I turned down an alley way because I heard someone's breathing, I thought everyone already went inside away from me.

"Hello?" I asked.

When I got to the end, I saw a woman stabbed. She tried to get me to call for help, but I couldn't I was to focused on the smell of her blood. And how I was straving.

I ended up drinking her blood, tell she was nothing left other then skin and bones. I also drank the next persons, and the next, and the next. I was to hungry to stop.

And when I did, it was when a man picked me up and told me he was going to help. After that night I never thought about drinking blood again, I was sent to a orphanage, and I was adopted.

I was having a normal life too, until the spell broke when I met my mate.

Flash back over.

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