Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

          I was watching the movie the woman in Black when suddenly there were hands on my shoulders. I screamed and jumped away. And turned to the figure. First thing I thought was the woman in black was coming after me. But I knew that it was just fictional story as I got back to reality I heard a familiar chuckle. I glared at him.

“Christian James Richardson what in god’s name are you doing in my house?” I demanded. He laughed.

“Well you did say that I could come over later did you not?” I gave him a look.

“But how did you get in here?” I asked.

“Umm your grandmother let me in. She went out with your grandpa by the way. They just went to return a book or something like that; she said to tell you that.” I rolled my eyes.

“And you snuck up on me why?”

“Because it would have been funny.” He chuckled again. I glared at him.

“Ha ha very funny.” I said sitting back on the couch ignoring him. I folded my arms across my chest. He had now moved to sit next to me on the couch.  I turned to glare at him some more. He just smirked in response. 

“Really the woman in black haven’t you had enough ghost stories?” He asked. I gave him a look.

“Well it was kind of a tradition to watch a horror movie; I use to normally do when I thought I was human.”  I said.

“Special effects.”


“This is a movie the things you see aren’t real. There fake. What we went through was real and way more dangerous.” He said. I gave him a look.

“That’s the reason they call it a movie. It’s only there to entertain people.” He rolled his eyes.

“Entertaining is one thing but the things that you think aren’t real and only in a movie are. Well only the ones that were originally in folklore. For example there are werewolves, witches, and spirits.”

“You just love being Mr. Smart ass don’t you?” He chuckled.

“Once you get use to being a witch than you will understand why we are somewhat wise.” He said. I shook my head and turned to give him a peck on the lips. His smile had faded and now I was afraid that I had done something wrong. I was about to apologize when he kissed me back. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him back. The kiss was tender and sweet but it started to grow more passionate again. And I kissed him with more force. That’s when I heard the door open and I broke the kiss and gave him a smile. I heard the footsteps coming down the hallway to where we were at and I pecked him before I turned away to look at the TV.

“You kids still watch these kinds of things. I think that people are almost idiots sometimes when they watch these things. Or when they play those shooting games. War is not a game, people get hurt. Books are good because they help make you wiser and not stupid like some of those things that you watch or play on.” My grandfather said.

“Now dear remember this is their generation. Leave them be. They are just watching a scary movie relax it’s not like they were burning down the house.” My grandmother muttered. “Would you kids like some popcorn or something with your movie?” She asked. I shrugged.

“I don’t care but I can get it.” I said starting to get up.

“Oh nonsense I got it.” My grandmother left to the kitchen. My grandfather took a sit in his chair. He then put his glasses on and began to read. I almost felt it was awkward having my grandparents here with Christian and me. When the movie was over I walked Christian out of the house. I looked to make sure that my grandparents hadn’t followed or were watching. My grandfather was too involved in his book to notice at the time. And my grandmother was still trying to figure out the movie. I looked up at Christian.

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