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Everything was red.

The air was a mixture of the sickly sweet scent of blood and orange blossoms.

I looked into those emerald green eyes that captivated me not that long ago, and I could taste the tears spilling down my face and into my mouth. Their flavor was like the salt of the sea I had been living by. How could this happen? I couldn't think of one reason why anyone would want to hurt him.

I pulled his lifeless body closer to mine; my mind was a complete mess. Why would this happen? I stared down at those open eyes that held the love for me he always had within him. One last time, I looked into them before I slid my hand across them and closed them forever. I will always love you. My tears hit the buttons on his now bloodstained shirt.





My soul felt like it was being ripped from my chest. I must handle this better. He’s gone now. At least I helped him pass easier. I thought back to the day in the forest when I saved that bird and the tears rolled down my face in a cascading wave. Why didn't it work now? I tried to save him, but it just didn't work. I would've died to save him. He could've stopped all of this. I knew inside that this act of violence was just the tip of the iceberg. I had to figure out how to save both of our people now.

I looked over at his wife and I could hear the extra beat of a heart within her. My jealousy panged inside me like a vicious monster waiting to climb its way out. It was his choice. Maybe he sensed this would all come to an end. He needed to have someone to take his place amongst his people when the time was right, when it was safe again. I looked at her tear-streaked face and I knew she truly loved him. It wouldn't help if I caused any more pain than it had when he asked for me as he died, and I knew it. How do we begin to heal these wounds when I can feel more being ripped open? My senses told me that we were not the only ones to lose someone tonight, but more importantly once the werewolves heard of the loss of their king- and to one of their own- the fighting would being again. I need to get her to a safe place and now!

I bent and kissed each of his eyelids, whispered my love for him in his ear and stood. It was time to take action now. I would hold his funeral and mourning service for both of our people. She needed to be safe to protect the continuation of his line.

“It’s time for us to go now. You must be kept safe.” My regal tone came out and she looked at me as though death wouldn’t be the worst thing she could do to me.

I sighed. “He would want you to keep his child safe. The child you carry will be the next ruler of your people.” I pointed to her belly and I heard the small gasp of breath that escaped her as I had found out her secret.

“Now come, let me help you. I know where you'll be safe to raise your son until it’s once again safe for you as the head of the wolves.” I gestured for her to walk with me and for once she actually listened to me.

I turned and looked back at my fallen love, one last time... I will always love you, Michael O'Shanold, death cannot change that...

I awoke to this new dream as it cut itself deep within my soul. My depths knew that I was seeing a part of the prophecy and I had to find a way to stop it from happening. I felt the scream build in me only to die off in the end. I laid in bed and listened to the early morning silence and thought back on every detail I could remember of this new and frightening dream.

Bella Tristezza ExcerptWhere stories live. Discover now