Chapter Seven

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I figured everyone would still be sleeping after the long night. Boy was I wrong. As we stepped in through the patio door, the world seemed to be in fast forward.

A guard saw us and immediately shoved both of us against the wall. My temper raged.

“I caught two intruders.” He walkied to someone.

“The hell ya did.” Leland fumed.

“Release us.” I commanded.

“Yeah, right. Just as soon as the King has a word with you about our Queen.” He sneered. I could feel the hatred coming off of him in waves.

“As much as I'd like to talk to Dom, I am quite tired and rather dirty. A shower and sleep sound a million times better.” I slipped my hood off my head.

“Beggin' your pardon, Your Majesty. Master Dominic thought you had been taken when he couldn't find you.” The guard stepped back.

“I do hope you guys aren't manhandling everyone that walks in.” I raised a brow.

“No, Mistress. We are under strict orders to capture any suspicious beings and report to the King. Unless, of course, you're found.” He smiled at me.

“Well, perhaps you should report that second bit there, mate.” Leland barked.

“Yes, of course.” He grabbed for his walkie-talkie again.

“I'll be in my chambers. Feel free to let the King know that's where he can find me.” I added before I walked off.

“I'm gonna walk you, darl. I don't want anyone else to rough ya up.” Leland said.

“Oh, I think it will all calm down.” I glanced around and hoped my words were right.

I had showered and changed by the time Dom charged into my room. His eyes were bright with anger and fear. Leland had long gone to bed, so I sat alone in the middle of my bed.

“Emma! Where were you?” He rushed to me, relief and anger coming with him.

“I had an errand to run. I didn't think it would take so long and my phone didn't have reception.” I shrugged.

“You don't even know what I had thought. All of my fears came to life when you were just gone this morning, especially after last night.” He ran his hand through his hair- I could tell he had done it quite a few times.

“I'm alright. I need some sleep before I can get to work on the things that need to be tended to.” I stifled a yawn.

“Yasmin and Sandra are working on a list for you.” He told me.

“Oh, that reminds me,” I got up and rummaged through the briefcase until I found the small book, “This is for them. It has everyone that needs to be notified. They can start contacting folks as soon as I've talked with Angelo about the service. Once we have a head count, I'll need that many rooms prepared and any overflow booked in the best hotels.” The yawn broke free that time.

“I could talk to Angelo, mia bella. You obviously need some sleep. We could at least get a time and date set, as well as location for the service. Then Yasmin and Sandra could start making the calls.” He offered.

“You know what? That sounds awesome.” I laid back on my pillows.

“Rest, mia bella.” Dom kissed my forehead and pulled my covers over me.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I closed my eyes and I was out. This time instead of images of my grandparents burning, the newest vision to haunt me played out. I sat back and watched in disconnected horror as Mike died. Will it come to pass? It was the same thing I had been asking myself since I first started having it after Issy's trial. Deep dreamless sleep followed it.

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