Chapter Two

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I think that if I had known what I was coming home to, I might have wanted to stay in Ireland.

When the plane touched down, our private car was waiting. The driver was bald, but easily eye candy. I never knew where our drivers went- just that they were on a rotating shift and sometimes we had one for a while then he would leave and not come back for months. I hated that they never stayed long enough for me to get to know them- most of them you never learned their names.

The ride to the palace was pleasant. No one joined Leland and me as we rode back. Silence filled the car comfortably. Leland said enough at the hospital, and I could tell he was just happy I was okay and we could come back to Italy. I asked the driver if he knew if Dominic and Issy were back yet, but he wasn’t sure. He suggested in very fluent Italian that I call and find out. It was completely within my means to call, but something told me not to. I learned to trust my instincts a long time ago.

The gentle squeak of brakes brought me out of the reverie I seemed to have fallen into along the ride. The palace did not seem like the warm, welcoming place I had expected to come home to. I felt sorrow and fear leaking out of every window. The air was thick with depression. Issy was hurt and scared somewhere inside. Dom was furious and confused.

Uh-oh. My body flew from the car as soon as the waves of emotions washed over me.

“Emma?” Leland's voice trailed behind me as he tried to catch me.

I had no time to answer him. Something crashed against the wall in the library.

Leland, go to Dominic, he's in the library- he is very upset. I didn't know how to warn him properly but I needed to get to Isabella.

As you wish, Your Majesty. He replied formally.

The stairs didn't register against my shoes as I shot up to the wing where Issy had been placed during her spelled time. She had long been moved closer to us- something had caused her to take shelter in this deserted area.

The Boys stood in front of her door. They wore protective gear.

What the hell happened? I sent the message to them.

Their faces registered relief instantly.

“Mistress.” Georgie bowed to me.

“No, none of that. What is going on?” My voice came out in a puff.

“She needs you.” Harold's large eyes were clouded with worry.

“Why are you standing guard?” I knew it wasn't to protect the world from her- her despair was a solid mass.

“Master Dominic has not been himself.” Georgie said with downcast eyes.

“Thank you.” I whispered as I slipped into her room.

“Issy?” I said her name to a dark room.

“Em?” Her voice rang out as though she couldn't believe it.

“I'm here. Can I light this darkness?” I wasn't sure what I was referencing but I wanted her words.

“Yes.” Her voice was small and broken.

“Issy, what happened?” I willed the room lighter.

“Oh, Em.” She was a white streak that collided with me.

“Ssh, ssh. It's okay.” I stroked her hair as she sobbed into my shoulder.

“No. It's. Not!” Her wail shook the windows.

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