Chapter Six

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A fire blazed in the room Dom led me to. It was one I hadn't been in yet. A great stone fireplace filled the northern wall. Shelves and shelves of books lined the other three, and very comfy furniture sat around the room, each accompanied by a reading light.

“A library?” I asked a little confused.

, mia bella. I know each of our offices have small libraries, but we needed a formal one. Do you like it?” He looked at me hopefully.

“I love it. You know I love books. It's roomy, yet cozy.” I slumped down on one of the couches- it was the perfect combination of squishy yet supportive.

“We have much to discuss.” Dom's Italian accent slipped, letting me know he was nervous.

“Yes, we do. But where do we start?” So much had managed to stack itself between us.

“Let me order us some refreshments, then we'll just see where it all leads.” He smiled and walked over to one of the phones.

Where to begin? There's just so damn much. Dom came and sat down on the other end of the couch. His face hopeful, like this one conversation would change the universe.

“I want you to start, Dom. I want to know what you really feel. It's because we don't talk that the spell was able to root itself to you. I'm so sorry for that.” I knew I was opening a can of worms.

“How I feel? Well, in regards to you... I love you more than I ever thought possible. But it hurts, my Little Emma Bird, that your heart can be so easily divided. Don't think I've not noticed Leland eying you as well. You're like a brilliant star drawing all the wayward sailors to you.” He blew out heavily.

“Okay, before you keep going. One, Leland has a thing for your sister, not me. Period. And two, if you think it is easy to care for so many and be 'so easily divided' as you put it, you are freaking insane.” I sighed.

Our drinks were pushed in on a trolley and then the man bowed and left the room. A heavy silence fell between us.

“Maybe I chose my words wrong. You love me, right?”

I nodded.

“But you love Michael as well.” It wasn't a question that time.

“Yes, I love Michael too. Maybe it's the wolf in me. I don't know. But I do know I wouldn't be complete without both of you guys. I know it sounds crazy, Dom.” I wished he understood.

“You gave yourself to him before we were even married.” His voice was barely a whisper.

“I did. It wasn't to hurt you. I'm sorry my actions did though. I could erase the memories, Dom. Do you want me to make it all go away?” I owed him at least an easy way out of the pain.

“No, cara mia. I do not need my mind tampered with. I do try to understand what you're going through, but I'm afraid it is very hard.” He looked toward the fire.

“Oh. Is it really? Because I was under the impression you are quite friendly with Yasmin.” Jealousy sprang to life inside me, and my eyes turned a violent shade of red.

“Yes, I have been. I made her my personal guard and the ceremony called for a certain level of intimacy. I was not aware of this at the time. But the ritual seems to create a spell that develops a cycle of need. My only reprieve was when I had the witches' spell on me. I never thought it would become an affair.” He looked down at his feet.

“So how does that make it better? And I know for a fact that the ritual can be completed without the sexual aspect, thank you very much.” I seethed.

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