Chapter Five

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The world came back to me. I was on my bed. Dom sat in one of my chairs, Leland was talking to him. I watched them, trying to figure out what they were talking about. Dom's face was a grimace and Leland looked like he was breaking bad news.

“What's wrong?” I sat up slowly, hoping the world wouldn't spin.

“Nothing, darl. I was just letting Dom here know what happened during his little spell.” Leland crossed his arms.

Mia bella, I am so sorry.” Dom knelt in front of me.

“It wasn't your fault.” I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

“Yes it was. If I hadn't been harboring those feelings then the spell wouldn't have taken them and fed off of them.” His head dropped into my lap.

“Dom, it's fine. You're okay. There wasn't any real harm done.” I smiled at him.

“Darl, don't lie to him. The shit he said...” Leland started.

“Was all part of the spell, Leland.” I finished for him.

“You are being too kind, Em.” Dom looked up at me with haunted eyes.

“Do you remember what you said or did?” I asked.

“No. The last thing I remember was heading to the hospital with Issy.” His face scrunched as he tried to remember.

“Then what good would it do to tell you that you were an ass? It wouldn't. Just make amends with your sister. She's pregnant with Jack's baby, ya know.” I told him.

“Leland told me. I'm glad she still has some of him with her. It will do her good.” His smile lit his face.

“You definitely need to tell her that. You were not quite as kind when you heard before.” I tried to be gentle.

“I can only imagine how horrible I was.” He shook his head.

“Nah, man, you can't.” Leland said.

I knew Leland was really upset with the way Issy was treated, but I didn't think making Dom suffer more would do anyone any good.

“Is Yasmin back on schedule? I need to know when my meetings are.” I said, changing the subject and hopefully the tension in the room.

“She should be in soon.” Dom said.

Dom, we're gonna have to talk about Yasmin. I sent to him.

I know, Em. I heard you when you spoke to me. He replied.

I'll wait until later, but we will talk. It was hard to keep my temper in check.

“I know.” He whispered.

Leland came and stood by me. His presence helped to keep me calm.

Yasmin stepped into the room.

“Good morning, Your Majesties.” She said.

“Morning.” It was good to know that the world was back on schedule.

“Mistress Emma, today you have several meetings. In an hour you have your follow-up with the council regarding the spells. After that there is about an hour before you meet with Alexandra and Shadow- they opted to have a joint meeting. Later this afternoon, you have your appointment with Sandra.” Yasmin said not mentioning any of the chaos that had been surrounding us lately.

“Thank you, Yasmin.”

“Master Dominic, you have a physical this morning with Doctor Hanson. Depending on what he says, the council is requesting an audience with you. Your lunch is scheduled with your sister, hopefully she will attend. I've set up a meeting with one of your potential assistants.” She told Dom.

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