12. He Should Be A Therapist

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Max's POV:

I was beginning to get nervous when Craig was gone as long as he was. Maybe she was actually talking to him? She refused to say anything to me. She didn't even aknowledge my presence with a simple 'hello'. I was letting my mind wonder about what they might be talking about when I saw Craig walking towards us shaking his head. I jumped out of my chair as soon as I saw him. Robert, Monte and Ronnie were all standing now too. Craig walked over to us and gestured for us to sit with him. We did and then he began to speak.

"She said she doesn't want to see or talk to any of us. She told me to tell all of you to go home, and not come back. She doesn't even want us to call. Once she gets out we can come pick her up. That's it. She wants nothing to do with anyone. I tried to talk to her some more but she rolled over and wouldn't say anything." He took in a deep breath after saying all that. He spurted it out all at once. His eyes were red and puffy, I could tell he had been crying.

"What? Seriously? How does she expect us not to talk to her?" I asked, I was on the verge of tears, but I didn't want all the hot nurses to see me like that. Nice one Max. Your sister is in the hospital refusing to talk to anyone and you're worried about hot nurses. No wonder she doesn't want us around, we're all fuckups.

"I don't know man. But she's serious. She wants us to, and I quote 'Go away and stay there'."

"Man, maybe I should call mom and-" Craig cut me off immediately

"NO. She said specifically not to call your mom. She said all her mom would do is say it was Carter's fault. She wouldn't even care." Yep, that sounds like our mom alright.

"I don't know what to do though man." I admitted.

"Me neither." We were like lost puppies as the moment, looking from one to the other. No one knowing what to say.

"Well maybe somebody should put their big boy pants on." Ronnie spoke for the first time since last night. We all stared at him in shock.

"Ronald's right." Monte said, now that was REALLY shocking. Craig, Robert, and I all just stared at each other. None of us speaking.

"Fine, stand here and be dumbasses. Imma go talk to her." Ronnie spoke again.

"Dude, she seriously doesn't want to see anyone right now. Especially not you. I'm sure she's still blaming this whole thing on you." Craig warned him. But being the stubborn bitch he is Ronnie shrugged him off and walked down the corridor. Good luck man. If you come out of there without a head we'll all understand. We looked around at one another before taking our seats. This should be fun....

Ronnie's POV:

This hallway is long, white, and creepy. I shivered. As I reached the desk. I got a visitor pass and went to Carter's room. I knocked on the door, she didn't answer. I knocked again. This time she said

"Go away Maxwell. I don't want to see you. Or anyone else."

I opened the door and stepped in shutting it behind me. "Nice try. But last time I checked I'm not Max."

She rolled over from her side and looked at me before saying "Go away Ronald. I don't want to talk to you either."

"And why is that, dollface?" I asked as I sat next to her bed in a chair.

"Why do you think? If I would have had my razor I never would have broken the glass. Or thrown myself onto it." Calling her dollface usually pissed her off, she didn't even seem to notice it. Strange?

"Then you might have ended up slicing a vain and bleeding out. Whether or not I took your razor we both know you would end up in here sometime if your self harm continued." I was trying to tell her nicely but the truth is the truth.

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