15. These Issues Choke Me Like a Noose

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This chapter has a POV from everyone in the house. Each of the POV is what's going on in that characters head. And it sorta goes from person to person depending on what happens next. I'm not helping explain this so just read. You'll figure it out. So don't get confused!! Enjoy! And vote, and comment. Don't be a ghost reader!!


Carter's POV:

My mind is running at 200 mph.... What do I do? I can't keep kissing him, that's for sure. I have Dylan, or Ronnie, or, uhm... I have someone. I'm not even sure if I totally hate the position I'm in right now. Do I like Craig? Yes, he's sweet and cute but do I really like him like this? Obviously he likes me. Or we wouldn't be kissing. Speaking of which I can't breath. How long has he been attatched to my lips? Finally getting my head on straight enough I put my hands on his chest and push him off me. Not hard but enough to seperate our lips.

"Look, Carter I'm sor..." He began to say but I cut him off

"Stop. Okay? Don't be sorry for telling me how you feel. Just give me some time to get this figured out. Cool?" But before he could answer I was bounding up the stairs, two at a time. A made it to my room a slammed the door and locked it. I don't know what to do.... Honestly? I love Dylan. But I am beginning to figure out it's just as a friend. I still have feelings for Ronnie. Strong ones. But there is no denying that spark I felt when Craig kissed me. I've made up my mind. I need to talk to Ronnie. Not tonight though. Tonight, I need to sleep. And think. And sleep. But mostly think in my sleep. If that makes any sense.... Great. I am acting crazy again. I can be crazy tomorrow. What I need now is sleep. I hop on my bed and close my eyes. Drifting into a peaceful dreamless sleep not long after.

Ronnie's POV:

Once we got into the house I ran upstairs holding my shake and slammed my bedroom door before locking it. I'm not quite sure why I am acting this way. I know it's because of that Dylan kid. I know why I am mad at him. I just don't want to admit it. I'm being childish, i know. But I know that one thing's for sure : I do not feel like going on that date with Jacen. Sure she is sweet and pretty but I don't like her. Fine, okay? I don't like Jacen becasue of Carter. I don't like Dylan because of Carter. All I can think about is Carter. I guess that makes me a lovesick puppy but I don't care anymore. She's the reason I've been moody lately. I like her, and I'm mad at myself for it. She's too young. Too innocent, too unstable, she's Max's sister, she is going through too much to be with a guy like me. All these reasons to not like her but I still do. I know I'm being selfish by thinking about her this way but I can't help it. Now I need to talk to her. I need to tell her these feelings. Not right at this moment though, it's pretty late. And I need to go tell Jacen I don't want to go on that date with her. I walked over to my door and yelled

"Hey, Jacen?"

"Yeah Ronnie?" I heard her yell from the floor below

"Can you come here?"

She came bounding up the stairs with a huge smile on her face. I hate cancelling on her but I'm really not in the mood.

"Look. I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to ca-" She cut me off

"It's okay Ronnie. I get it, it's easy to tell you and Carter have some, uh... Unresolved issues. I hope you work them out. Let me know if you ever feel like that date though, mkay?"

"Yeah, um, sure. Will do. Thanks for understanding."

"It's totally okay. Don't worry about it. Bye Ronald." She smiled once more and bounced down the stairs the same way she came up them. Jacen is pretty cool. She reminds me alot of Robert.

It's taking everything I have in me not to go and knock on Carter's door right now. I really need to talk to her. But she's probably sleeping. And jugding by the way she slammed her door I don't think she would want to talk to anyone right now. I fought the urge and stepped back into my bedroom, locking the door behind me. I guess I'll fall asleep now... Nothing else to do really.

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