Sequel Up!!

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This is the first chapter of the sequel!!


Carter's POV:


Pure and total hatred.

The only word I can use to describe him right now. He's driving me crazy.


I found another word. Bastard.

'Carter, let's do this', 'Carter, don't do that!', 'I don't like that', 'Do this', 'Do that'. I'm going to punch him right in the center of his beautiful little face.

Oh, hi again. Let's get re-aquainted.

Hey. I'm Carter Jayden Green. Max Green's little sister. I'm also currently engaged to Falling in Reverse's frontman; Ronnie Radke.

Who I love. Loved. Love-ish?

I'm sure it's just frustration talking but maybe getting married so young is a horrible idea. I'm only 19. He's currently 28.

Yes, I know. He's a craddle robber.

But we were, are, sorta, in love.

Confusion to the max.

And it was, is, a good idea. Right? I know what you're thinking. She's engaged to Ronnie Fucking Radke. Why is she complaining? Yeah, I get that a lot. It feels like no one really understands the pressure I'm under. Planning a wedding, putting up with rumors, his touring, his photoshoots, his fans. Oh my god. His fans. They're lovely, don't get me wrong. But I feel like I have more of a relationship with them then Ronnie. Ronnie won't tell me things, but I'll her them from his fans. It's happened plenty of times. They know my fiance better than I do at points. It's just incredibly frustrating.


Not to mention my rapidly growing band itself. Over the past six months since we moved to Anaheim we've gone on tour, opened for FIR, and got our own little fan group going. Things were looking up. For a while anyway. I had a great fiance, a good band, I'll do anything for you kind of friends, amazing fans, and my brother.

My fiance is being a douche (give me time, I'll explain.)

My band is more of a profession than fun nowadays (which totally freaks me out)

My friends have their own friends now (and ditch me more often)

My fans expect too much (and start rumors, so stressful)

My brother has fallen apart. Craig kicked him out Escape the Fate, and now he's trying to start a new band but it seems like life has kicked the fight out of him. His lifeline is some girl named Roxy, who I haven't even met yet.

So yes, my life is slowly (but surely) deteriating before my very eyes.

I'm running on empty just trying to get from day to day. There is all this weight, all these people expecting so much out of little ol' me, and I can't do it. I've run out of steam, I've got nothing. But they all expect me to force myself up a really steep hill.

So this is me.

Picking up pieces of a very shattered life, and forcing them back in place. Just to watch them shatter all over again.

Here goes nothing.

And everything.

Cross your fingers.

Not Good Enough (Falling in Reverse and Escape the Fate FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now