Ch.5: A Present From The Past

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"Alright, let's go." Dean said as he threw some money down on the table, standing up. Ashley and Sam followed suit. They were just leaving a crappy diner, in a crappy neighborhood, in a crappy town. Ashley somehow convinced Sam to convince Dean to let her come with them. It took almost a week for that to happen. Ashley and Dean learned that they both have the same sense of humor and music taste, and Sam and Ashley, as Dean would put it, are both nerds. They had a 2-hour conversation about The Deathly Hollows. "So, what do you wanna do now?" Ashley asked, hopping on one of the bed. "Sleep." Sam mumbled, shoving his face into a pillow. "While the loser does that, I picked up a movie I heard about." He said, digging through his duffle bag, holding up a DVD case. "The Raid Redemption?" Ashley read the title. "Indonesian fighting film." Dean explained.

After two hours of intense fighting, Sam and Dean were asleep, so Ashley decided to take a shower.

After almost an hour of just standing under the hot water, the water started to turn cold, so she hurried up and got out. As she walked back out, she dried her hair with the towel, only to look up and see Dean was awake, Sam was gone, and Castiel was sitting on the edge of Deans bed. "What do you want?" Dean asked, not taking notice of Ashley. "Listen to me. You have to stop it." He told Dean. "Stop what?" Castiel placed two fingers on Dean's forehead, making Dean disappear. Before he vanished, she pulled at his coat. "Where is Dean?" Her voice was frantic. Castiel looked at her with a blank look, which had a hint of anger, pulling his coat out of her hands. Without a word, he disappeared.

Ashley's heart pounded. It's been 20 minutes since Dean and Sam disappeared, and she had called Bobby 4 times, Sam 3 times, and Dean's phone was on the motel coffee table. "Bobby, the angel dude, thing, paid a visit, and he took Dean somewhere, and I don't know where Sam went. He's not answering his phone. I don't know what to do. Just... just call me back when you get this." Ashley hung up after recording the voicemail. Not even a minute later, the phone rang. "Ashley, do you know what time it is?" Bobby's voice was gruff. "Dean disappeared. With Castiel. And Sam is gone, too. I tried calling him, but he didn't answer and I'm starting to freak out." "Alright. Where are you? Still at the hotel?" "Uh, yeah. I am." "Okay. I'll call you back soon, okay? Just stay in the room." With that, Bobby hung up the phone. Ashley sat back on the bed, placing her head in her hands with a groan. Bobby immediately started to dial a number on his phone. "Hello?" The young woman answered. "Samantha? It's me."

Ashley quickly grabbed the phone after it started ringing. "Bobby?" "I called someone who's an hour or two away. She'll be there soon." "Well, how will I know it's her?" "Her name's Samantha. Samantha Singer. And like I said, she'll be there in a few hours, so just calm down. And, if you don't need anything else, I'm gonna be going to bed now. Goodnight." "Goodnight."

Ashley either paced or sat on the bed, tapping her foot while she waited for Bobby's friend. When someone finally knocked on the door, Ashley jumped up and ran to the door. "Who is it?" She yelled. "Sam. Singer." Sam? The chick I'm waiting for is named Samantha, not Sam- ooohhhhhhh. Ashley slowly opened the door to reveal a young woman with dark brown hair, very light blue eyes, who was wearing a leather jacket. Ashley left the door open for Samantha-Sam while she went to sit at the table. "So... did Bobby fill you in on everything?" Ashley asked the woman, watching her as she looked around the room. "All he told me was his hunter friend went missing. And his daughter was stranded. And I was his closest contact." She explained. Ashley nodded. "That's about right." "So, we're gonna hang out here today, and if we don't find anything, I'm gonna take you to Bobby's or somewhere." She explained. Ashley just nodded. "So, what do you like to do in your free time?" Samantha asked, taking off her jacket, sitting across the table from Ashley. "Well, when I was little, I use to dance." "Oh, cool! I was on a dance team when I was about your age, I think." Samantha said, making Ashley smile a little. "So, how do you know Bobby?" She asked Samantha. "He's my dad." Ashley just laughed. "Really?" "Yep. Let's just say I'm very thankful for not receiving his looks." Ashley laughed.

It had only took an hour for Samantha to calm Ashley down. Samantha and Ashley had a lot in common with each other. They have a heard-core obsession with Star Wars, and they hate coconut. "So, seeing as it's 4 A.M. and you've had a long night, why don't you go to bed." Samantha suggested to Ashley when she started to yawn. "No, I'm fine. If something chances-" "I'll wake you. Goodnight."Samantha insisted.

Samantha sighed as she looked at the sleeping body. Something was so familiar about her. Something she couldn't put her finger on. Samantha grew tired quickly, so she rested her head on the table. Before she knew it, she was asleep.

Samantha opened her eyes, when she heard talking. "She still made the deal. She still died in the nursery, didn't she?" "Don't be too hard on yourself. You couldn't have stopped it." Dean stood up, when he heard Ashley groan in her sleep. "What?" "Destiny can't be changed, Dean. All roads lead to the same destination." Samantha became more aware of where she was, and what they were taking about, but still didn't move. "Then why'd you send me back?" "For the truth. Now you know everything we do." "What the hell are you talking about?" Castiel looked at the bed where Sam was suppose to be. Dean followed suit, only seeing Ashley. Neither of the men noticed Samantha. "Where's Sam?" "We know what Azazel did to your brother. What we don't know is why - what his endgame is. He went to great lengths to cover that up." "Where's Sam?" Dean repeated with more force in his voice. "425 Waterman." Dean stood up, looking for his jacket and keys. "You brother is headed down a dangerous road, Dean, and we're not sure where it leads. So stop it. Or we will." As soon as that was said, Castiel disappeared and Samantha raised her head. Dean still didn't notice her as he scribbled a note, putting it on the bed next to Ashley, then storming out. "Very observant." She muttered, pulling out her phone. "Hey, dad. It's me. I'm coming home soon. Like, this week. I'll see you then." Then she snapped the phone shut.

For all of you who don't know Samantha, check out my other SPN book, Singer's Daughter. It's on my profile. It's not complete because I started it the same time as I started this book.
P.S. Olivia Wilde is playing Grown up Samantha because she is perfection in the form of a female who is not me. Or Perrie Edwards...

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