Ch.30: Lucy's Influence

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Just for you, Saigecupquake ;)

My heart pounded as I ran through the woods, looking for the oh-so-familar man. "You can't run from me!" He yelled into the woods loudly. I can, and I am, retard. "Like I said, it's useless." He said, grabbing my arm, turning me around to look at him. "Get off!" I screamed in his face, bringing my knee to his crotch. He didn't loosen his grip. In fact, he didn't even flinch. "You can't hurt me. Deep down, you know that you don't want to hurt me." Lucifer told me. "Bullshit!" I yelled once again, trying to wiggle my arm out of his grip. "Ashley. I can give you anything you want. All you need to say that you will help me."  "I'll never help Satan himself." I spit at him, "How will I know that if you win this stupid sibling fight, that you won't just turn around and kill everyone."  "Let me show you something." He said, pulling me so I'd walk with him. My foot caught on something, but I caught myself last minute, looking down to make sure I wouldn't trip on the branch again. After we passed it, I looked back up to see an open space. "A cemetery?" I muttered to myself as we walked further into the open space. Lucifer let go of my arm, finally, nudging me towards something. I turned my head to look at what he wanted me to see before I looked back at him. He just motioned for me to go closer. I quickly took off running towards Baby. My heart stopped and sobs began to wrack my body, "No!" Bobby was there with his head turned all the way around. There were chunks human meat and bones covering the area, and baby's windshield was completely shattered. There were huge dents all over, and Rock Of Ages by Def Leppard was playing like a broken record from the inside of her. "Dean!" I called out. "Dean! Where are you?" I yelled. "Ash...ley." I heard some wheeze. I quickly ran to the other side of Baby. Dean's face was pummeled and bloody. I quickly ran to him, dropping to my knees. "Ashley... You can't... be here. It's... He might come back." He said before going into a coughing fit. "Shh. It's okay." I comforted, wiping some blood from the corner of his mouth with my sleeve. "Where's Sam?" I asked, and Dean began to sob, which threw me off. "Dad, where is Sam?" I asked with more force. "He's dead. Everyone is dead." He cried out, which caused him to start to cough again. I tried my best to comfort him, but he obviously went through something really traumatic and there wasn't much I could do. "It's shouldn't have ended like this." He wheezed out. "It shouldn't have..." He stopped himself, taking a wheezy breath in as he placed his hand on my right cheek. "I'm sorry." He cried, looking me in the eyes. "Sorry for what?" I asked. "I told you you'd always have family. Someplace to go. But everyone's dead. And it's because of me."  "It's not your fault. Sometimes stuff just happens, no matter how hard you try to fight it." I told him. "Ever since you came and found me, I always tried to keep you safe. Protect you. No one ever had to tell me. You're my daughter. My responsibility. I had one job and I failed. I'm sorry, kid. I'm sorry I failed." He told me. I wiped the tears from his face, smiling down at him, "You didn't fail, though. I'm alright. I'm safe. You did everything right. I love you, Dad." I said over the sound of his coughs and his wheezing. "I love you... kid." He said before breathing out. "Dad?" I asked, shaking him slightly when he didn't breath in. "Dad!" I shook him harder. "Daddy..." I whimpered once I realized he wouldn't start breathing again. "This is what will happen if Michael win. That pile of chunks over there by Bobby's body? That's Castiel and Joseph." He said. I looked up at him, tears still covering my face as I held my dad's dead body in my arms. "How would I even help? I'm only 16. I'm not powerful. I can't do anything. I can't do anything." Lucifer held his hand out to me, offering me help up. I ignored it. "You Winchesters always doubt how powerful you are." He told me. "You will know what to do if... you give me your word... that you are on my side. If you say no... just take a look around. This is what will happen. Everyone you know will be dead. It will be you, alone in the world. Just like how you always feared. No one to stand by your side. To help you. Protect you. No one to make you laugh when you cry. No one." He said, making me sob even more. "Say it. Say you don't want that life of solitude, and that you will help me."  "Okay." I sobbed out. "Okay, what?"  "Okay. I'll help you."

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