Ch.8: Sketching The World Events

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Dean flapped his jacket angrily as he got out of the famous impala. "I can't believe you're just trusting that bitch." Dean grumbled as they walked into the psychiatric hospital together, going to the designated office.

"Of course I want to help however I can." The psychologist said. "Now, the orderly has no recollection of Anna's escape?" Sam asked. "Apparently, she knocked him unconscious. The blow caused some amnesia. He doesn't even remember coming into her room." The doctor explained. "That's a hell of a right hook to knock out a guy that's got 80 pounds on her." Dean was skeptical. "We think she may have planned this, waited behind the door." "Right. Uh, you mentioned Anna's illness was recent." Sam changed the subject. "Two months ago, she was happy, well-adjusted, journalism major, lots of friends -- Bright future." "So, what happened -- she just... flipped?" "Well, that's the tragedy of schizophrenia. Within weeks, Anna was overtaken by delusions." "What kind of delusions?" Sam asked. "She thought demons were everywhere." The doctor said, handing Sam a sketchbook. "Interesting." Dean finally spoke up. "It's not uncommon for our patients to believe that monsters are real." "Well, that -- that's just batty." Sam flipped through the pages, seeing some meaningful sketches, the words 'Raising of the witness' and 'Samhain the next seal is broken'. "That's Revelations." Dean pointed out. "Since when does the Book of Revelations have jack-o'-lanterns?" "It's a, uh, it's a little-known translation." "Well, Anna's father was a church deacon. When she became ill, her paranoia took on religious overtones. She was convinced the devil was about to rise up and end the world. I hope you find her. It's dangerous for her to be out there alone right now." The doctor explained as Sam flipped to another page of the sketchbook, making their hearts stop for a moment. "Can we keep this?" Dean asked after his mind started working again. Once the doctor nodded, the Winchester brothers left. As they walked to the Impala, Dean pulled out his phone, dialing a very familiar number.

Ashley woke up gasping for air. The phone rang, making her think of the dream from the unexpected nap she took. She slowly grabbed it, answering it. "Yola." "Where's Bobby? Are you safe? Where are you?" Her father started bombarding her with questions. "Bobby went on a hunt with a Rufus. He left a few hours ago, actually. I'm still at the house though." Dean sighed in relief. "I'm having someone pick you up. I'm not having you stay by yourself." He said. "Um, okay?" Ashley wiped her eyes, trying to wake up all the way. "Did Bobby leave you with an emergency contact list? It'll probably be on his desk, or on the fridge." Dean explained. "Yeah, hold on. Lemme check." She said, she ran downstairs, phone in hand. She saw a paper on his desk, her name scrawled across it. "It has Ellen, Jo, and Samantha." She read to Dean. "Call Ellen and Jo." She heard Dean say to someone, most likely to Sam. "I'll call you back." He said, before hanging up. She thought back to her dream. Was that real? If so, what was on the paper? What did they see? She waited patiently for 20 minutes before Dean finally called back. "Samantha is gonna give you a ride here. Its too dangerous for you by yourself." "Dangerous?" She questioned. "Don't..." He took a deep breath. "Samantha said she'd be there in an hour or two." "Why would it be dangerous?" She asked once more. But Dean just ignored her, "Get packed, and text me every hour, with where you are." Then he hung up, leaving Ashley to answer her own questions. Not even a minute later, a car pulled up into the property, and a familiar lady got out of the car. "Hey, Ashley." Samantha greeted. "Hey. I thought you were gonna be here in an hour or two."  "I was actually on my way here when I got the call from Sam. Wanted to get something." She said, going to one of the bookcases, reaching on the top shelf for a book. "You drove all this way for a beat up copy of a crappy romance novel?" She asked, walking to the stairs to grab the duffel bag she always keeps packed with clothes. "I enjoy this book. And hurry up and get your crap! I wanna get food before we hit the road!" Samantha called up the stairs.

"I will see you later. Text me if you need anything. I know how hard it can be to be with those boys for a long time. Can drive anyone up a wall." Samantha tossed another fry in her mouth. Ashley just nodded, grabbing her stuff before walking to the hotel room, where Dean said they were.

Dean's Daughter (A Supernatural FanFiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora