Ch.27: Safe Haven

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"You sure you want to do this?" Dean asked me, again. "Yes. For the last time, I'm sure." I said, hopping out of the car. "You really don't have to do this, ya know." He said as we both grabbed grocery bags from the back seat. "Dad, stop asking. I'm sure I want to do this. Besides," I stopped to blow the hair out of my face before continuing, "My grandma would be happy I'm opening my house to people in need."  "They're not people, they're hunters. You're turning this into a safe house for hunters. Your grandma was never too fond of hunters." I just ignored him, walking in the house. My house. Which I decided to turn into a safe house. I mean, it's paid off until I'm 23. And I'm on the road most of the time. I decided the house would be better used by hunters, if they need, than if just sat there, neglected by the lack of use. "Oh my gawd." I heard Joey laugh from upstairs. We've all been cleaning the house all day. Joey and Sam stayed here while Dean and I got food. I heard Joey laugh again, and I got an uneasy feeling. I set the bags on the ground before running up the stairs. "No! What are you doing?" I freaked out, seeing a picture book in his hands. "You were so cute as a baby! What happened?" He asked, standing up, keeping it out of my reach. "Joey! Give it back!" I yelled, jumping, trying to grab him. Damn him and his unnatural height. He flipped the page again, bursting out laughing. It was a picture of me in this god awful blue dress with a white collar. My hair looked really nappy and was two short braids. It was probably from two years ago, and it was terrible. I finally ripped the book out of his hands, shutting it. "I got hot. That's what happened." I said, walking back down the stairs. I placed the book in a cardboard stuff full of stuff I was putting in storage at Bobby's. Some place safe. "What the hell?" Dean said after he sat down on the couch. He stood up for a second, pulling a gun from underneath the cushion. He gave me a weird look as he tossed it with the literal other 14 guns we found laying around the house. "She was cautious." I shrugged. I went to move one out of my way, but as soon as I touched it, I took a short breath in, my body tensing.

The guy reclined on his lazy boy, watching the T.V. "Every movement could be a sound of potential attack. Merely a rustle of the wind through the bushes could scare the entire herd into a bone-crushing stampede." The narrator dragged on as the trailer door rattled. The guy chalked it up to wind before sitting down. The door blew open, causing the guy to get up and close it, making sure to lock it. I watched as he turned around, seeing mud covered man. The guy grabbed a shotgun, trying to fire it, only to find it empty. "No." The guy whimpered as the mud covered one began to strangle. I looked away from the scene, knowing I couldn't do anything about it. I looked at a piece of mail. Benny Sutton of Sioux Falls, North Dakota.

"Ashley, you okay?" Joey asked. "Oh, yeah. You know. Watching people die. It's always fun." I breathed out, sitting down. "Uh, you should go to Bobby's." I told Dean and Sam. "What? Why?"  "Just... look up Benny Sutton. Joey and I will finish the house. Go." I told them. They gave me a weird look before hesitantly standing up, "Okay? We'll see you later then... I guess." After they left, Joey turned to me, playfully glaring, "Thanks for volunteering me to do work."  "Anytime." I smiled. "Since I'm being forced into long... hard... labor... I think I deserve a prize." He said, walking over to me. "Oh, yeah? And what would the prize be?" I asked as he leaned down, placing his face less than an inch away from mine. "You know what." He said seductively, slowly kissing me.

"Yeah. We're almost there." I said into my phone. "I can literally see you right now." I said as we pulled into the driveway. Before he could say another thing, I hung up. When Joey finally came to a stop, I unbuckled, leaning over. After I gave him a quick kiss, I jumped out of the truck, slinging my bag over my shoulder. I walked straight in the house, seeing Dean, Bobby, and Sam. "You know how many times we called? Where have you been?" I heard Dean ask. "Playing murderball." Bobby sarcastically said. "What's that smell? Is that soap? Did you clean?" Dean asked. Now that he mentioned it, it does smell less... musty... "What are you, my mother? Bite me!"  "Bobby, seriously."  "I been working. You know, trying to find a way to stop the devil."  "Find anything?"  "What do you think?"  "Bobby, it's just... there's a case less than five miles from your house." Sam said. "What, the-the Benny Sutton thing? That's what this is about?"  "You knew about this?" I asked. "Hell, yes. I checked into it already. There's nothing here."  "Except a witness who saw a dead guy commit murder."  "What witness? Digger Wells?" Bobby scoffed. "Yeah. So?"  "So, he's a drunk." Well so are you, but we still listen to you. "Well, what about the lightning storms? They look like omens."  "Except in February in South Dakota in storm season. Guys, I thought it was something, too. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."  "What about my vision?" I asked. "We don't know how it works! You've had visions all over the place!" Bobby exclaimed. That is true, I guess. "So who killed the guy then?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "Take your pick. This Benny Sutton guy was a grade-a son of a bitch. There's a list of the living a year long wouldn't mind putting a cap in his ass."  "So, you're telling us... nothing?" Dean asked. "Sorry. Looks like you wasted a tank of gas on this one." Bobby shrugged. "Great." Dean looked at me briefly. "What? I only see bits and pieces!" I threw my hands up in defense.

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