Ch.6: Meeting Travis

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Sam and Ashley were in the hotel room, Sam was reading a book, and Ashley was braiding her hair to the best of her abilities, watching re-runs of Grey's Anatomy. All of the sudden, they heard keys enter the knob, then the door swing open. The second Deans foot touched the inside of the room, Sam stood up. Dean began throwing all of his clothes in his duffle bag. "Dean, what are you doing?" Sam asked, walking to his brother. When Dean ignored Sam, Ashley's hands dropped from her hair, feeling her hair droop in front of her face. "What, are you, are you leaving?" Sam continued to ask. "You don't need me. You and Ruby go fight demons. Ashley, grab your crap. Meet me in the car." Dean grabbed his bag, walking towards the door, but Sam stood in front of him, trying to stop him. Ashley jumped up, immediately throwing her clothes in her bag. "Hold on. Dean, come on, man." Dean immediately turned around, his fist connecting with Sams face. Ashley jumped, looking away. "You satisfied?" She heard her uncle say. She heard a thump, then something drop to the ground. Hoping neither of them would take notice of her, she slowly crept towards the bathroom. As she locked the door, she heard lots of yelling, and a few loud crashes. She tried to ignore it the best she could, thinking of anything she could to get her mind off the fight happening just outside the door. It was silent for about 20 minutes, worrying Ashley a little. The buzzing from the light fixtures made her head throb, but she ignored it, listening for any noises outside the room. The only thing she heard was the buzzing. There were 3 loud knocks on the door, startling her a little. "Ashley?" Her fathers voice rang out. "Ashley? Can you open the door?" Ashley got up, slowly walking to the door. "Ash-" He got cut off by the door swinging open. "We're leaving pretty soon." She just nodded. "Look, kid. I'm sorry of we scared you or-" "You didn't scare me. I just don't like fighting." He gave his daughter a look she couldn't decipher.

Laying in the backseat of the car, Ashley had a pair of sunglasses on her face, even though her eyes were closed. Her feet were up on the seat, against Deans protests, and her body was covered by a cheap, purple and blue tie-dye blanket they got at a gas station a few hours back. Though Sam and Dean thought she was asleep, she wasn't. Just resting. She listened to her fathers and uncles conversation about where Dean went, and about her great-grandfather and grandmother. "I can't believe it. Mom? A hunter?" Why are they surprised? They were raised as hunters, weren't they? "I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't seen it myself. That woman could kick some ass. I mean, she almost took me down."  "How'd she look? I mean... was she happy?"  "Yeah, she was awesome. Funny and smart. So hopeful." It was silent for a moment, " Dad, too. Until of course..." Until what? Sam sighed. "What?" Dean snapped. "Nothing."  "It's just, our parents. And now we find out our grandparents too? Our whole family murdered and for what? So Yellow Eyes could get in my nursery and bleed in my mouth?" Woah, what? Ashley looked at them, sliding her sunglasses down her face. Dean made a small "huh", looking at Sam, "Sam, I never said anything about demon blood." When Sam looked down, guilty, Dean spoke up again, "You knew about that?" "Yeah, for about a year." Deans hands tightened around the steering wheel, keeping his eyes on the road, "A whole year?" "I should have told you. I'm sorry." Sam apologized. "You've been saying that a lot lately, Sam. But whatever. You don't want to tell me, you don't have to. It's fine." "Dean." He didn't answer. "Whatever." Sam sighed. It was silent for another 10 minutes. Ashley put her sunglasses back on just before Sam spoke up again, "So... how're you doing with the whole 'Secret daughter' situation?" Dean just bitterly laughed, making Ashley frown a little. "I just don't understand why she didn't tell me. I would've been there! I could've helped!" He raised his voice, but not a lot, careful to not 'wake' Ashley up. "She looks a lot like mom." Sam changed the subject. "Yeah... she does." "What are you gonna do with her, though? Do you really want to raise her how we were? On the road? Changing schools every month or so?" "I-I don't know, okay? I don't know!" "You need to figure it out soon." "You think I don't know that? I just... I'm so unprepared for this. She came out of nowhere and I know nothing about anything." It was silent. "How long 'til we get there?" Sam asked.

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