Ch.20: 2014

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I opened my eyes to the room at Bobby's house. "What the-" I stopped myself by sitting up. The room was wrecked and half the ceiling was on the ground. I stood up, looking down to see I was in black high waisted, black high tops, and a maroon crop top. I also had on a black leather jacket. I didn't go to bed in this. I don't even own a crop top. I grabbed a hand gun that was laying in the middle of the room, slowly checking to see if it was in order. Once I saw everything was in order, I slowly made my way downstairs. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I called out as loud as I could. When no one replied, I made my way through the house. When I went downstairs, the first thing I saw was Bobby's wheelchair, which had blood all over it with a few bullet holes. But there was no body. "Anybody?" I called out once more, the panic beginning to set in. Is this some type of vision or something? I freaked out, going up to the attic, since I haven't checked up there. But, my last resort was a fail. There was no one. I'll just wait for this to pass. I made my way to the piano, trying to relax myself. "3 days." I spun around to see Zachariah on the couch, or what's left of it anyways. "What?"  "Three days to see what your father's course of action will lead to. I decided if I, myself, can't convince him, I should let you have a go at it too." He told me. "So you did this?"  "I didn't do anything. This is just what will happen in 5 years if Dean refuses to accept." He said. "How will you know I'll even talk to him? I haven't even seen him in 2 months."  "Trust me. You will." He said before disappearing. 

I jerked awake to someone shouting. I grabbed my gun, slowly making my way downstairs. "I'm gonna die." I muttered, making my way into the living room. I cocked the gun, making the person turn around. I quickly uncocked my gun, running to him. Dean grunted as I latched onto him. "What are you doing here? Where is everyone?" He asked me. "I don't know. I just woke up here and it was like this." I told him. "Well come on. I have a lead."  "Where?" I asked.  "Camp Chitaqua." I nodded as I followed him to a car. 

We finally approached the sign from the photo he had found. There were men inside the fence, patrolling. "Oh my god." I whispered. Dean gave me a questioning look, so I pointed to the smashed and rusted Impala. "Oh, baby, no." We approached the Impala, "Oh, no, baby, what did they do to you?" Dean quietly asked, rubbing his true kid. I tried to open the door, only to find it rusted shut. When I heard Dean grunt, I looked over to see another Dean standing over Dean's unconscious body. The awake Dean looked over to me. Shock crossed his face for a split before it went back to anger. He pulled out a gun, quickly cocking it, pointing it at me. "What the hell?" I half yelled. "Hands up!" He yelled back.

"So... How's that cleaning goin'?" I asked 2014 Dean. He ignored me, continuing to clean a gun. "That great, huh? Sound's fun."  Dean finally woke up, pulling on his handcuffs. "Fancy seeing you here." I sarcastically said as I tried to reposition myself so the pressure eased up on my wrist. "What the hell?" Dean asked. "I should be asking that question, don't you think? In fact, why don't you give me one good reason why I shouldn't gank you right here and now?" 2014 Dean said. "Because you'd only be hurting yourself."  "Very funny."  "Look, man—we're no shapeshifter or demon or anything, okay?" Dean said. "Yeah, I know. I did the drill while you were out. Silver, salt, holy water—nothing. But you know what was funny? Was that you had every hidden lockpick, box cutter, and switchblade that I carry. Now, you want to explain that? Oh, and the, uh, resemblance, while you're at it?"  "Zachariah." Dean said, making 2014 Dean stand up. "Come again?"  "I'm you from the tail end of 2009. Zach plucked me from my bed and threw me five years into the future."  "Yeah, I tried to tell you that earlier, but you were being a prick." I said. "Where is he? I want to talk to him." 2014 Dean demanded. "I don't know."  "Oh, you don't know."  "No, I don't know. Look, I just want to get back to my own friggin' year, okay?"  "Okay. If you're me, then tell me something only I would know." Dean thought before smirking, "Unless you want Ashley to hear this, I'd come closer." 2014 Dean slowly made his way to Dean. After Dean whispered something, 2014 Dean took a step back, "Touché. So, what, Zach zapped you up here to see how bad it gets?"  "I guess. Croatoan virus, right? That's their endgame?"  "It's efficient, it's incurable, and it's scary as hell. Turns people into monsters. Started hitting the major cities about two years ago. World really went in the crapper after that."  "What about Sam?" I asked making 2014 Dean stop moving. "Heavyweight showdown in Detroit. From what I understand, Sam didn't make it."  "You weren't with him?" I asked again. "No. No, me and Sam, we haven't talked in—hell, five years."  "We never tried to find him?"  "We had other people to worry about." He said as he began to leave. "Where you going?"  "I got to run an errand."  "Whoa. You're just gonna leave us here?"  "Yes. I got a camp full of twitchy trauma survivors out there with an apocalypse hanging over their head. The last thing they need to see is a version of The Parent Trap. So, yeah, you stay locked down."  "Okay. All right. Fine. But you don't have to cuff me, man. Oh, come on. You don't trust yourself?"  "No. Absolutely not."  "Can you at least uncuff me?"  "No. You'd just let me out." He said before leaving. "No offense, but you're a dick."  "Yeah, I can tell." He said as he pried a nail out of the floorboard, uncuffing himself, then me. Me and Dean were walking around the camp when Chuck came up. I put my hood up, facing away. "Hey, Dean. You got a second?"  "No- yes. Uh, I- I guess. Hi, Chuck."  "Hi. So, uh, listen, we're pretty good on canned goods for now, but we're down to next to nothing on perishables and—and hygiene supplies. People are not gonna be happy about this. So, what do you think we should do?"  "I—I don't know. Maybe, uh, share? You know, like at a kibbutz."  "Wait a minute. aren't you supposed to be out on a mission right now?"  "Absolutely. And I will be."  "Uh-oh." Chuck said before a woman came up, trying to punch him. "Whoa! Jeez! Easy, lady!" He said as he hid behind Chuck. "Risa."  "Risa?" Dean asked silently. "You spent the night in Jane's cabin last night, didn't you?"  "Uh, what? I—I don't—did I?" Chuck nodded. "I thought we had a 'connection'."  "Well, I'm sure that we do."  "Hi, Risa." Chuck greeted. "Screw you." She said before leaving. "Oh, jeez. I'm getting busted for stuff I haven't even done yet."  "What?"  "Uh, never mind. Hey, Chuck, is...Cas still here?"  "Yeah. I don't think Cas is going anywhere." He motioned to a cabin, and me and Dean made our way to it. We walked in to find Cas sitting in a circle with a lot of women. "So, in this way. We're each a fragment of total perception—just, uh, one compartment in that dragonfly eye of group mind. Now, the key to this total, shared perception—it's, um, it's surprisingly physical. Oh. Excuse me, ladies. I think I need to confer with our fearless leader for a minute. Why not go get washed up for the orgy?" Orgy? Cas, nooo... "You're all so beautiful." He said as the women left. "What are you, a hippie?"  "I thought you'd gotten over trying to label me." Cas said. "Cas, we got to talk."  "Whoa. Strange." Cas said. "What?"  "You...are not you. Not now you, anyway."  "No! Yeah. Yes, exactly."  "What year are you from?"  "2009." I answered, slipping off my hood. He gasped when he saw me, sadness in his eyes. He gave me a bone crushing hug, "Ashley. It's good to see you." I gave Dean a look, which he returned. "Who did this to you? Is it Zachariah?" He asked when he let go. "Yes."  "Interesting."  "Oh, yeah, it's friggin' fascinating. Now. Why don't you strap on your angel wings and fly me back to my page on the calendar?"  "I wish I could just, uh, strap on my wings, but I'm sorry, no dice."  "What, are you stoned?"  "Uh, generally, yeah." He said. "What happened to you?"  "Life." He answered. "Is it cool if Ashley stays here while I look around?" Dean asked. "Uh..." Cas hesitated, "I guess." He smiled. "Just... come back here." He lead us to a back room. He slowly headed towards an empty bookcase, moving it to the side to show a hidden room. "Stay in here. No one can know you're here." He said. I walked in, sitting on a chair. "Bye." I said to Dean before they shut it.

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