Shadow Functions

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Some more stuff about MBTI

FlyingTeaHouse StormWithSkin spiffystud
*When my readers know more about what I'm reading about than I do*

^Hope you guys continue teaching me new things and helping me learn throughout this experience =)^

*I found this part really cool as well (:*
*Written in the eyes of an INFP*

Okie, so Shadow Functions are basically the four cognitive functions that aren't in your type description. It's more natural for them to show when we are under a lot of stress, so we typically use them in a negative way and don't represent their positive aspects. Here we gooo,

Function 5) Opposing Role
Your 5th function is used mainly as a defense. It's how you might become stubborn, uncooperative, unfriendly, rude, or obstructive.
This is usually the first process to jump to defend us, if we are articulating our mission in response to an insult, when people hear remarks from someone who's dominant process is thier fifth process, they often 'blow it of before it even registers'. When someone is using this process a lot, we get frustrated and think "this is so dumb/pointless"
So look at the fifth function for your 4 letter type. See what it is all about, and ask yourself if that is not how you become defensive, stubborn etc.

Function 6) Critical Parent Role
We all have experienced a critical parent in our lives. It's when a parent tells you that you are doing something wrong or you are doing something poorly.
The critical parent is a voice in your head that will cause you to criticize yourself and others.
Whichever function falls into this position will determine the flavor of your self criticism.

Function 7) The Trickster Role
Which ever function falls into the 7th position will cause you grief throughout your life.
The role of the trickster is to deceive and distort what you experience, or think you experience.
You will most often experience the 7th function when you are stressed or under pressure, or overly tired. You can not trust your perceptions or judgments when your 7th function is in charge.
You will see things and believe things that are not real. You will put yourself or others in a double bind situation, which forces people to lose.
If you intimidate the child, you get to deal with the trickster. Usually a significant part of someone's humor is about this process. We often distrust others when they are using this process.

Function 8) Demonic / Transformative Role
Which ever function falls into the 8th position describes how you are when you are the most destructive. Thus the term "Demonic Role."
But most often, when a situation calls for you to use your 8th function, it's not going to be pretty.
This is the most amoral of all the cognitive processes in our head, and a person's definition of evil is usually about this process. Often our most painful/traumatizing experiences in life involve this process. This process is often an empty vessel where society pours its influence. Long lasting hatreds also reside here.
If two people trigger the 8th process in each other, they often bring out the worst in each other.

So since I'm INFP my 5th Function would be Fe, 6th Ni, 7th Se, 8th Ti... Alright so I don't know how much I believe this yet at all. It seemed like an interesting new idea but I don't see how you can act defensive 'like an Fe' or self criticise 'like an Ni' or be deceived by their Se or view evil as Ti. More so the 6th and 7th function I don't get... So hopefully I'll have more clarity next chapter.

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