Chapter 1

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Peering over the very edge of my large warm blanket I stared wistfully at the fragmented pieces of what used to be my fully functioning alarm clock. It had proven to be very useful over the many years I spent in school, but today was the first day of summer break, the end of the torturously long 4 years of high school. High school wasn't a pleasant experience for anybody but definitely not for the few humans amongst the prideful wolves.
Finally freedom, it was the first day of summer break, after 4 torturously long years of high school, filled with prideful werewolves who thought they were much better then us human students, who there very few of. I was making the most of this day by staying in bed all day cuddling into my warm blankets.

I could hear my mom bustling about ranting to my father about how I was an idiot to plan to go to college so far from home, where my father and her couldn't protect me. I wanted to become a psychiatrist, and the best school for that was in another pack right near the border of the free state. The free state was what I called the one of very few places around the world that were not ruled by wolves, and I planned to practise there, after ten long gruelling years of post secondary. My mom though didn't understand that, she was a pessimist who always said I would never get permission from our alpha to stay in the free state, after college, she believed him letting me out of pack territory was a stretch. Mostly alpha didn't let any unmated females out, especially if we were human, but he couldn't deny the fact that I had very high potential, my grades had always been higher then most kids. I planned to lay low this summer. Enjoy the time with my family, and few friends, and then never return and I had made this very clear to my parents.

The one thing that was deterring me from enjoying my two months of relaxation was the upcoming mating ball. The mating ball was hosted by Alaricus Knight at his castle, this was very odd because Knight wasn't very social, he tended to skip anything which involved socializing only adding to the long list of  reasons he was called a beast. The mating ball, like it's name is a ball in which unmated wolves and humans from the territories come to find their mates, and now that I was seventeen it was mandatory for me to attend.

My door was suddenly thrown open by my mom, her curly hair wild, her green eyes ablaze, dainty nostrils flaring in anger, she was angry and as usual it was my fault. My father knew better then to anger her. My dad's head peeked into the room slightly from the door, and at being caught he trudged in smiling sheepishly.

"Have you even decided what you want to wear to the ball yet?" My mother demanded.
"No." I said softly biting into my lower lip nervously.
"But me and Marina were planning to go shopping today." I hastily explained as I noticed her dainty little nose begin to turn red in anger. To my relief my answer seemed to appease my mother for now although I knew if I didn't get a dress today I was as good as dead.

"Can I trust you to get this done on your own?" My mom asks suspiciously her eyes probing at me, pressuring me to crack and beg her to come along, but not this time I would stay strong.

"Yes, I promise mom, I can do this on my own." I say attempting not to look away from her probing. A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips, lighting up her whole face as I stare enviously, I was going to miss them, but perhaps some time alone would benefit my parents, make it easier on them. Having an unmated child no matter their age in the house led to a lot more attention from the wolves. After spending their entire lives under the wolves' watchful eye, my parents would appreciate some time not being under the radar.

"My little baby is growing up so fast." My dad said his voice cracking slightly, as he came to sit beside me.
"Oh god not again I swear if you cry again, I'm gonna force you to go ball gown shopping with your daughter." My mom threatened, making my dads eyes widen knowing my mom always lived upto her promises.

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