Author's Note

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Hi guys, thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter and the book as a whole, I just wanted to say you guys mean the world to me, your comments make my day, your votes and reads make me so happy. Honestly you guys are the best, I hope you all are as happy as you make me, and if any of you ever need to talk about anything anything at all message me, you're all so beautiful and perfect and one day the right person is going to come along and show you that, and cherish it, so please if you ever need someone to talk to message me, I'll get back to you as soon as possible, and honestly at times it's better to talk to someone you don't know personally right. Yeah I just wanted to thank you guys for the wonderful comments, and reading this book, and voting for it I love you all. May you all find your own Alaricus.

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