Chapter Two.

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Blazes POV.

All night I was thinking about Levi. How the fuck was he supposed to help me? Because I sure as hell am not accepting it.

I did my usual routine and greeted my Nan at the table. She said she was going shopping and then to see her friends in this day care home.

I hoisted my shoulder bag higher up on my shoulder because it kept slipping. The bending of my wrist made me wince in pain as the cuts felt uncomfortable and pressed together. They were fresh from when I got home last night well early morning.

I saw the school building in sight and crossed the gate to reach it. I nodded at the security guard at the gates. We have some vandalism and other shit going on so the head teacher ordered a security guard. He is friendly. Always asks if I'm okay when I sit on the bench crying or something.

I looked over at the popular group and pulled a face in disgust. There was Lexie sucking faces with my ex boyfriend Trey. Lovely dovely just how I wanted to start my day off knowing Levi would make an attempt to talk to me. Lexie pulled away and looked over at me giving me a smirk, when Trey turned around he saw me and his face dropped and he gave a look of pity and sadness. I scoff and raised my middle finger to them walking into the school building.

I walked down to my locker and saw some stoners there dealing to some jocks. Stupid fools. I looked at my timetable and saw I had PE today, lucky I had my kit in the locker. I took out the books I needed for today and put them in my bag. While I was walking to my first class I had to go through the main corridor where nearly everyone hung out. I groaned but carried on walking.

As I was walking through I could see the different groups, I think it's weird and stupid to be divided into groups. How one group full off idiots ran the school? Yeah I used to be in that group but I actually done my homework and work. I had a job and didn't feed of my parent's money, well I only had one. I didn't judge anyone. I was friendly to everyone, but somehow all that popularity got to them and turned into airhead.

"Blaze!" I heard a voice shout and I knew that voice. I carried on walking faster. Damn it must this corridor be so long and small. I was shoving people out of my way. "Blaze please." The voice said from right behind me. Fuck he must of ran.

I stopped and turned to face him. I took in his appearance. He had combat boots on with black jeans. He wore a white t-shirt that clung to him like a second skin. I could faintly see the outline of his 6  pack, well looked more of 8 pack but I won't boost his ego even though he can't hear me. He wasn't wearing a jacket so you could see his sleeve on his arm. It was really a beautiful sleeve. I want to trace each tattoo and find the meaning behind it. I looked up to his face and he had his usual bed hair and his dark eyes were looking straight into mine.

"Blaze please, just let me talk." He pleaded. He grabbed the top of my arm and pulled me to the side of the corridor. He looked down at me and gave me a small smile. "I just want to help you."

"I've had enough help and I certainly don't need yours." I spat.

"I know what you're going through. You need a friend." Wow the bad boy has feelings. He stepped closer to me so we were inches away from being chest to chest. I had to crane my neck up to see him. "Don't push me away Blaze. Please don't push me away." He begged.

I was so close to caving in, I shook my head and shoved him back. My feelings went from sadness to rage. "I don't need anyone's fucking help. Do you hear me?" I spat back to him. I turned around and saw nearly everyone looking at us. Not like they could hear because we were whispering to each other. I turned my head to Levi. "Just leave me alone Levi." I said and walked off leaving Levi and a confused herd of students.

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