Chapter Thirty-Two.

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Blaze's POV.

I looked down at my wrist which had cling film wrapped around it. I ran my finger over the word mum.

I finally got the tattoo done after being a chicken for two weeks and kept putting the idea off until I finally had the confidence to do it.

"I love it." I said looking at Levi.

"I'm glad." He kissed my forehead while wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Come on, I'm hungry." I pulled him along.

"You are eating a lot lately." He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you calling me fat?" I placed my hands on my hips.

"What? No baby, I'm just saying you sure are eating a lot." He chuckled.

"Sure sounds like you're calling me fat." I said while walking ahead of him.

"I'll love you even if you are fat and old and smelly." He looked down at me.

"I knew you were a keeper." I laughed while walking into a little cafe.

I made my way to the booth and sat down while Levi sat opposite me.

I looked threw the menu and just everything looked good.

"Hell are you ready to place your order?" A waitress came over. I could see her looking lustfully at Levi.

"Yeah can I have a hamburger with a vanilla milkshake." Levi said not looking at her.

"And can I have two hamburgers, extra fries. Also some pickles on the side and a ores milkshake please." I smiled at her. I handed over the menus and looked at Levi who looked shocked. "What?"

"Jesus Blaze what are you eating for two?" Levi said.

"Haha very funny." I said sarcastically. "I'm just hungry."

"Hungry my ass." He mumbled.

Soon our food arrived, I think I drooled I quickly wiped my mouth to make sure there wasn't anything there. Then my eyes caught something.

Her number on a napkin.

"Are you gonna call her?" I said placing a fry in my mouth.

"Who the skanky waitress? No." He said taking a bit out of his burger. "You're my only booty call." He winked at me.


After we were finished Levi signalled for the waitress, he asked the for the bill while handing her number back to her. After he paid he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

"I'm so tired, but I got a few fights tonight." He said.

I frowned, sometimes I didn't like him fighting because it was the street everything was unexpected. Anything can happen. But I knew that fighting was how he payed for things, how he survived.

"Okay I'll stay home tonight." I said.

Most nights I stay at his. Nan doesn't mind because she says she can have alone time with Dave.

When we got to my house I brought his head down to my level. "Don't get hurt, call me when you're home." I kissed his lips.

"I always do baby, I love you." We kissed one more time before I waved him goodbye.

I entered my house and walked to the kitchen. "My eyes!" I screamed.

I heard rustling. "Blaze you can uncover your eyes now." Nan said.

"Phew." Just them I felt vomit rising up and I rushed to the bathroom. I'm pretty sure I just threw up that very nice meal.

"Blaze that stomach bug should of been gone at least three weeks ago." Nan came in handing me a glass of water.

"Probably something I ate." I opened the cupboard and got out the mouthwash but my eyes caught my pads.

Then I realised I've missed nearly two months.

"No no no." I whispered.

"Blaze what is it?" Nan asked.

"I'm late two months nan. Two months." I practically shouted.

"Oh dear, did you two use a condom?" She asked gently.

"I-i can't remember. I can't remember." I felt tears being to well up.

"Blaze it's going to be fine okay. I'll run and get some tests. Stay here." She kissed my forehead before leaving.

I sat on my bed and stared at the wall.

How could we forget a condom? If I was pregnant would he want it? I knew adoption is out the option. Abortion isn't even an option, I just couldn't think about killing a human let along a baby.

I placed my hand on my stomach. A baby could be in there.

After around 20 minutes my nan came back with five tests. "They are the best."

I took them in my shaking hands and walked into the bathroom. I followed the instructions and after I was done placed them on the side. It said to wait 5 minutes.

It said two lines pregnant and one line not.

"Blaze have you done?" I heard my nans gently voice.

I opened the door and nodded. "Just have to wait." I whispered. I heard the beeping of the alarm going off. "I can't look, please look." I pleaded my nan.

I heard her footsteps, "oh dear, your a mumma." She smiled.

I nodded, I just couldn't speak. I had a baby inside me.

I needed to tell Levi.

Go for someone who is proud to have you
- frank ocean

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