Chapter Ten.

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Blazes POV.

It's been a few days since I've seen Levi. He just hasn't been in school at all. On the second day he wasn't in I went to place that holds the street fighting every night. Not once did he show up and fight. I was thinking about going to his house then I realised I didn't have a clue where he lived. I didn't even have his damn phone number.

I've been good I haven't had any nightmares or any reason to harm myself.

Trey, well that boy got fucked up with a capital F. He came in a few days later face practically black and purple. But everyone still acted like he was a god. What a fucking joke.

I sat down in my seat waiting for the first lesson of the day to begin and looky here Lexi walks in clinging to Treys arm fussing over his wounds.

"I'm so lucky you are alive baby."

Gag me now.

"You are so strong, sticking up for yourself like that."

Fucking gag me right now.

"All that weightlifting is doing you so good baby."

That's it I am so fucki-

My thoughts got cut off by the door slamming open and Levi walking in like he hasn't disappeared for three whole fucking days. He has on a dark hoodie covering his face and his hands tucked into the pocket at the front. The whole class went silent and just watched him walk down the middle right to the back, he sat down behind me making a thud sound.

I wanted to turn around and ask him, be its like he isn't even here but yet he is. People were still looking, their eyes would glance from me to Levi as if I was going to do something.

My eyes wondered over to Trey who looked like he was actually shitting his pants, oh man how I wanted to laugh my head off. 

Soon enough the teacher walked in. He was an old chubby man with no hair. He wore dark pants with a shirt that made his belly stick out. The braces he was wearing were making every inch of his flab stick out and bare.

"Levi take your hood off please." Mr Davidson asked Levi.

Levi just ignored him and carried on doing nothing, "Mr Rivers please take your hood off." Mr Davidson demanded. "Hood Mr Rivers NOW!"

I heard gasps around the room, I wanted to look back and see his face but I just couldn't. I couldn't do it. Soon enough the class broke out in whispers and Mr Davidson tying to calm the class down. Once he done it he got on with the lesson.

Soon the bell rang and people where rushing out of the room, some were glancing back at Levi but then quickly ran out the room. I watched him walk out the room and I followed him.

Levi was walking down the hallway with the students making a pathway for him. I was walking faster then my little legs could actually carry me. He was turning corners and soon stopped all of a sudden making me walk straight into his back.

"Ow." I rubbed my nose and then wrinkling it.

"Why are you following me Blaze?" Levi asked with his back still turned to me.

"I-I. You weren't in school." I frowned.

He turned around to face me and looked down at me. I looked at his face and covered my mouth with my hands.

Purple bruises dotted his face and traveled down to his neck, I assume there was more. His lip was worse than before. He just looked so hurt and I just couldn't think of anything to describe him.

"What happened?" I questioned, my voice so small like a child's voice.

"Nothing Blaze." He frowned.

"That isn't nothing Levi, that isn't fucking nothing. Oh god look at you." I started to panic.

"Some guy I beat a few days ago at the fighting match he didn't like losing so some of his mates came and fucked me up a bit." He said. He took in a deep breathe and winced but tried to play it off.

"Let me see your chest. " I demanded.

"Damn Blaze of you wanted me shirtless all you had to do was ask me." He wiggle his eyebrows.

I slapped his chest slightly and watched him wince. "Shut up and show me." I crossed my arms.

He lifted his hoodie and oh god.

My ovaries.

The six pack and v lines.

My poor poor ovaries.

I saw a cut on his abdomen. "THEY STABBED YOU?" I screamed.

"Blaze take a deep breathe it's fine, I was just waiting for it to heal a bit." He grabbed my cheek and stroked it with his thumb.

"But-but are you okay?" I pouted at him. "I haven't cared in a long time and all this caring is just over whelming and I care about you and you wasn't here for three days I thought something bad happened to you and I don't think I can stomach losing another per-" My rambling got cut off my a hand over my mouth and a smiling Levi looking at me.

Oh his smile is crafted by God himself. The dimples in both his cheeks are so beautiful.

"Blaze I'm okay. And I care about you too. But we have missed nearly half the lesson so want to ditch the rest of the day with me my good lady?" He bowed and stuck his hand out.

Ditching? Me ditching?!

'You only live once Blaze make it count.' My mum would say.

"Yeah let's do it." I placed my hand in his and he pulled me a long running down the hallways. Both of us were laughing loudly, we heard some doors bang open and teachers calling for us.

That day I was making my life count.

and when you cry I'll be right there telling you, you were never anything less than beautiful

- lana del rey

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