Chapter Five.

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Blaze's POV.

I was wondering down the street because I needed to get some lady products. I mean boys get free condoms and we have to pay for something we don't ask for.

I walked into the store and walked over to the pads and shit, I chose the ones I wanted but got stopped by a voice.

"Hey excuse me could you help me?" I turned around and came face to face with a guy around 25.

"Urm with what?"

"My fiancé wanted some things but I have no idea what to get." He grinned and scratched his neck blushing a bit.

"Ahh." I looked up and saw some simple tampons and pads. "Here I'm not sure what she wants so just take both." He took them from my hands and smiled at me.

"You're a life saver. Thank you!" He said before running towards some other isle.

"No problem." I whispered.

I walked over to the self-checkout tills and paid for my items. Once I was done I decided to go for a late night stroll after I went toilet and did my lady business.

I was walking down the alley way that led to the bridge were some people go and fight. Sometimes I just go and watch the fights. Some fights are entertaining and some are just brutal. Like some men are nearly beaten to death, I mean that is the price you pay for street fighting. No rules, fighting dirty but people get a lot of cash from it if they win.

I tucked my hand into my hoodie and carried on walking the way I knew. As I grew closer I heard chanting and cheers. I knew it was dangerous being here but hell it was a thrill. Gave me something exciting in my depressing life for once.

"RIVER! RIVER! RIVER!" I heard the crowd chant that name.

I saw the large crowd, I saw a little opening in the crowd and slipped my way in. I was being shoved and pushed by big beefy men. Once I got to the front I saw the back of a tall person and short cubby man with his fist raised in the air blocking the punches the other man was throwing.

The taller man was shirtless and his back muscles would flex every time he threw a punch. He was a fucking fighting machine. The crowd kept cheering Rivers which I guess is the tall man's name. The short man threw a hard punch to Rivers jaw but it didn't even look like it affected him at all. Rivers cracked his neck and sent an uppercut then a right hook sending the small man to the ground.

Everyone was cheering and shouting. I watched the River's turn around and I was met with Levi's face. I gasped and tried to walk backwards but it was like I was forced to stay in the spot I was in. Levi's eyes looked black. He was walking towards me like I was his prey. Once he reached me we were toe to toe. I could feel his pants fanning across my forehead. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with him.

He shook hands with some man and then took a wad of cash and walked off pulling me along with him. I was wincing from the pain because I had new cuts and he was gripping my wrist tightly.

We must of turns several corners because he pushed me against the wall gently and looked down at me.

"What are you doing here Blaze?" His dark raspy voice sending chills down my spine. My eyes trailed down his sweaty chest which was glimmering under the street lights.

Oh lord. Bathe me in holy water.

"S-sometimes I come h-here." I stuttered out finally taking my gaze away from his chest.

"Why?" I watch him clench his fist together.

"Because b-because..." I didn't actually have a reason.

I looked up at his face and saw he was bleeding under his eye, I lifted my hand up and wiped a bit of blood with my sleeve. "You're hurt." I frowned.

"It doesn't hurt." I saw him take in harsh breath and wince. I looked down and saw a red mark on his ribs.

"Did he kick you on your chest? I didn't see the beginning." I touched his chest with my cold hands. Surprisingly his chest was warm.

"Blaze it doesn't hurt, but I'm going to walk you home okay." He said. He gave me a finger signalling on minute. He walked behind a bin then came back out with a black bag. He slowly pulled out a Nike hoodie and put it on him. He grabbed the plastic bag I was carrying and held it. Whilst the other hand grabbed mine and put it inside a pocket of his hoodie.

I said I wasn't going to even look at him and here I was holding his hand letting him take me home. Sometimes unwanted company is everything in a lonely life.

these wounds won't seemed to heal, this pain is just to real, there's just too much that time cannot erase. 

- sia, breath me

Who i picture as Blaze, Selena Gomez.

Hope. [COMPLETED] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora