|1| weakling act

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I stand with my stylist as he tweaks some things on my tribute outfit. He occasionally asks me to turn around or walk, but other than that I remain motionless.
The glass cylinder waits for my arrival. It's only purpose being to lift me into the arena.

I'm wearing dark pants with a thin, short sleeved, grey shirt. A black jacket that matches the pants, drapes over my shoulders, making me warm.

I'm not scared for the next few weeks. No, I'm mad. This whole concept of 'the Hunger Games' doesn't make sense. Why make the 24 tributes fight for our evidential death? Why not line us up and kill us off one by one? It's easier and doesn't take you two years to plan. Why are the districts just pons in the Capitol's game? After all, the districts are the ones who keep this country going. So yea! Go ahead and give us all away to fight in an arena! Cause if you do, there won't be anyone left in the end. All of the Capitol would die off because they wouldn't have food, water, or shelter.

But I know I have to put aside all my anger for the games. I have to keep my act up, and let everyone know I'm a helpless, weak, emotional, little girl, who can't fight. They will overlook me and get me off their kill list. The last thing I need are allies killing me, so no friends for me. I'm going in alone and coming out alone. No sad feelings in the end.

"Please enter your capsules, the games will begin in 60..... 59......" A woman's calm voice echoes through the room. My stylist, who also bought the whole weakling thing, looks at me sorrowful and gives me a hug. I have to say I do like him, but he is just the one pampering me for slaughter. So at the same time I eternally roll my eyes and walk to the cylinder.

As I wait in the glass tube, I remember the trainings and how I stayed silent and fake cried. How the group totally ignored me.
I remember trying the axe station even though I'm the best at working with axes. I pretended that it was my first time. Throwing it with only half my strength, it sliced into the very bottom of the dummy, then fell off with a clank. The careers just laughed with each other. Only some bothering to even look back at me. I oddly felt some satisfaction. My plan was already coming together.

"21......20......19" the woman's voice continues. I rub my eyes, and start a trail of pretend tears. My face showing the best frightened look I could put on.

I turn on my pitiful side and mouth thank you to my stylist as the capsule door slides closed, entrapping me. He sweetly smiles and nods to me.
I wipe my eyes with my hands to show the cameras that I was crying and the lady's voice finally reaches the number 1. I let a breath out and the circular tile underneath me starts to ascend upwards.

"It's just a game, and I'm going to win." I think, as I'm pushed in the arena.

At first I'm blinded by the light, and my eyes have a hard time adjusting. A pit of anger rises in me the longer I can't see. But when I finally get a hold of my vision, my head immediately darts back and forth trying to take in the surroundings. My heart beat speeds up, echoing through my body.

First I notice the tributes around me. Their faces flustered in confusion just like mine. I quickly find that a district 2 is next to me. The girl. Her name is Tulip I think. She is great with an axe, so we should be evenly matched if it comes down to that. I'm not going to fight in the beginning though. I must sell myself as helpless. Not violent, sarcastic, and mean.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the 71st Hunger Games! Have a happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!
The games will begin in 60.... 59..." The loud voice of Caesar Flickerman booms. I roll my eyes at his excitement, hoping that no one caught it.

I force more fake tears out and plant my feet in a running position. I plan to sprint to the cornucopia and grab an axe or something useful, then run off somewhere.
I scout out the area for somewhere to run.
Green grass fills the terrain, and we are surrounded mostly in woods.
On one side, to my left, there's a huge lake with a fairly big island in the middle. The lake goes on for as far as I can see but it's a perfect circle for all I know. I can't make out the end, but I can see some tree tops in the distance, Signaling the cut off.
At first I think that's the only abnormal thing, but then I look to my right. Out in the distance is a volcano towering over healthy trees, meaning it hasn't blown up. Ever. The game makers must want to save it for the right moment.
I spot the smokey gray air above it, the only sign that it's active.

"10.... 9..." I realize how close we are to starting. I decide to grab the axe that's rested against the hard metal of the cornucopia, instead of the one inside of it. I'm going to chance it, because without it, I won't have much of a chance. Then I figure to run toward the volcano section. Most tributes won't go there first, so I can avoid any close encounters in the beginning.

I won't go too close to the volcano. Just out of range, so if it starts to rumble I will have a running start.

"3....2....1" Caesar's voice booms as the cannon fires signaling the start of the games. I waste no time and bolt forward, putting on my most scared face and centering my attention on the axe. Blurring the rest of the arena.

Johanna MasonWhere stories live. Discover now