|3| allies?

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The mysterious orange light seems to stay in one place, but gets larger the more I wait.
Squinting, I try to get control of my vision, then finally everything

A fire. A man made fire. A tribute fire. It has to be.
Gasping silently and stopping my waterworks, I climb down slowly. When I reach the ground, I have a clear view of the scene. A tribute sits with her fire just as I thought. She throws sticks and logs in it to heat it up. Then I spot an animal roasting over the fire. The girl twists a stick that's holding the raw animal, back and forth, to cook all the sides.
12 is written on the shoulder of her outfit, so she must be from district 12. I decide to kill her but make it look accidental. I can't have people having suspicions about my act, so I'll make allies with her and then accidentally kill her.

I pretend to be scared and slowly back away from the tree I was hiding in, making it as loud as possible. The faster we become allies, the faster I can take her out.
She instantly shoots a look in my direction and I stop abruptly and start to ball my eyes out.

"P-please don't k-k-kill me!" I plead with as much innocents in my voice as possible, while trying to not be too loud which would cause unwanted enemy's.
She stands up grabbing her knife and walks toward me cautiously. I back away as she does though, and tighten my hold on my axe.

"Who are y-you?" She asks, seeming equally scared of me. Inside my spirits lift a little and I silently snicker. If she isn't a fighter, I won't have a problem getting rid of her.
"District 7. Johanna M-Mason." I say. Then I wipe away my tears, showing her, if she didn't notice already, that I'm crying.

"Umm... Well if your hungry... I guess it's ok if you eat some of my rabbit with me." She tells sentimentally.
I have to break from a wide eyed-stare of amusement at her trustfulness, in order to weigh my options. If I go with her I will be that much closer to killing her, so I might as well.

"Ok..." I say quietly. She waves toward her small camp and sits back down on the ground. Wow that was easy. I take a seat on the other side of the fire and stuff my blanket in my backpack, but never letting go of my axe.
I wouldn't be sitting at a fire right now any other day in the arena, but I suppose the Careers won't be slaughtering tonight. I doubt they even noticed our fire with all the supplies they have to haul over to their little island. We should be safe for right now. Well... I should be safe.

"Here" the girl says handing me a stick with some chunks of meat stabbed on the end. Again, I'm utterly surprised at how trusting and gracious she is.
I take it gingerly and the meat. It tastes delicious. I must remember my plans to kill her though, or these games won't get anywhere.

"My name is shaylor. Do you want to be allies? We could do well when fighting the Careers." The girl asks out of the blue. But I quickly take advantage of the situation and accept.

"Um... Yea." Is all I say. We share a smile and finish out meat in peace.
But I don't think we could win against the Careers. At all.

Once we finish our meal, I let her drink some of the water from my canteen since she doesn't have anything except her small knife.

"Let's get sleep." Shaylor says and starts to douse the fire. I situate my blanket on the ground under me, and use my backpack as a pillow.
Music starts to boom through the arena, and I'm confused at first. Then I look at the sky and find the Capitol's logo. Then the tributes that died in the bloodbath faces and district numbers flash by.
I don't pay much attention to who died, but I do catch Kenny's face. He was the district 7 boy, and the only one I told about my strategy. He gave me some tips too. Sadness take over me again, but I don't shed a tear. I have to save them for the cameras and when I'm in contact with another tribute.

Johanna MasonWhere stories live. Discover now