|18| warning

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I wake up again in the same room I was in when I first got here from the games. My dress is still on, and I can feel makeup is still on my face. But I doubt it still looks nice. I've cried and rubbed my eyes, so it's probably a smudgy mess.

My dad

President Snow is going to kill my dad tonight! Or has he already killed him?
I search for a clock but there seems to not be any. It could be night or day depending on how long I was knocked out.

Angrily I stomp to the door and pound my fist against it.

"Let me out!!" I yell.

Peeking out the window on the door, I can see three familiar faces talking to a worker. They wear lots of makeup, making each of their eyes look huge. And their hair is colorful and styled into intricate patterns.

"Let me out!" I shout again in hopes that they can hear me, but they don't even look my way.

Sighing, I plop down on the uncomfortable table that is supposed to be where I sleep, but I don't to sit there for long.
Immediately after I take a seat, someone busts in my room. Then another two follow, and I recognize them from the hall way.

"Congratulations Johanna! We just knew you could win when we saw you reaped!" The taller girl says.
Ha! Lies.
"Oh my! What happened to your make up! And the dress?!" The man with the striking face says.
"You did great in the arena! Now you have a life of wealth and riches! Your family and friends must be proud." The one on the end says. By the voice tone it's a guy, but the shortness tells otherwise.

"Do your remember us?" The tall girl asks.

"Um..." I answer, not really thinking about it, but pretending to.

"You don't remember us?! We styled you almost everyday before the games!" The short man on the end shouts.

"Oh. Your my stylists."I reply blandly. I remember the man in the middle with the striking face from the minuets before I was pushed in the arena. He's the one who hugged me and bought my act.

"Oh my! We're wasting time! Johanna, you have a tv interview at 11:00! We have to get you ready!"
The tall girl says. The striking man starts to take off the makeup already on my face, and the other man starts on my hair. The girl drags in a rolling table from the hall. It's stacked with beauty supplies and an outfit wrapped in yellow plastic.

Maybe I should ask how long I was out. That way I know if my dad is dead yet.

"Um, stylists? Do you know how long was I sleeping?" I ask not in the mood for talking.

The girl speaks up.
"Darling, don't call us that. Call me Diamond, and the short man is nicks. The handsome one right there, his name is Fablo. Just call us by our names." She insists.

I get irritated that she didn't answer my question.
"Ok... Diamond. How long was I sleeping?"

"An hour dear. 2 at the most." She answers. Taking off my clothes.

And it's 11:00 in the morning right now. So.... Lunch is soon. That means my dad isn't dead yet, but soon to be. At Least he will be able to watch my interview. Maybe I can even tell him to run away while I'm talking on the tv. He will definable get the message. Well... Unless the Capitol edits it out.

After the stylists are done waxing, pulling, powdering, and everything else. They finally slip me in my dress after a half an hour of wearing nothing. I can't see the dress on me, but when Fablo brings in a full body mirror, I see a new me.

My dress is black and descends into a deep purple to my knees. It has about an inch wide strap, and are black.
My makeup makes me look fierce and determined, just as I though they would do. And my short dark hair is strait with a purple flower resting near my ear.

"You look stunning! Great hair work Nicks!" Diamond squeals examining me.
I fake a smile even though I'm angry.

"Can we go to my interview now?" I ask.

"Ok, ok. I just though you would want to savor this moment. Not every one can look as memorizing as you do right now everyday." Diamond says. I snap.

"Can we just go! I just want to get this over with so I can go home!"
I yell. The stylist look taken aback.

"Ok sweetie. We can go. Follow me." Diamond says rather quietly.

On our way, I apologize, and she seems to understand why I'm so uptight. I explain to her about my dad and how my act wasn't rebellious. It seemed to take a lot of weight of my chest. She understands and tells me how she despises the president but will follow his rules so she can live in the Capitol with her son. And she made me swear to not tell anyone about her secret anger at Snow.

"Thanks for understanding. It.... It's nice to have a friend." I say.

"Yea. Especially one who hates him as much as me." Diamond tells me as we go through a pair of sliding doors into a medium sized room. I spot a web camera and a single plush sofa. Caesar sits in an identical one next to it.

"It's time. I'll be watching. And.... Warn your dad if you have the courage. It's the only thing that can help him right now." Diamonds says hugging me then leaving. I fight the tear that almost slipped from my eye. And ignore the chitter-chatter around me.

I sit and wait on the sofa. Caesar is being pampered and powered with makeup. His hair and suit are teal, along with his shoes. It's his color theme this year.

"Screens on." A voice yells signaling that the districts screens have been turned on.

"Web casted, in 5..4..3..2..1.. And go."

"Hello Panem! I'm Caesar Flickermen with this years 71st Hunger Games Victor, Johanna Mason!" Caesar booms.

I remain still without emotion.

"Johanna! How's it feel to have a life of riches and fame ahead!" He asks.

"I, um, it's defiantly... Different. In the districts we aren't as used to having lots of money and big houses." I say trying to be casual, but secretly insulting that Capitol for being unfair.

"Well, I'm sure you and your family will be happy to be one of the many to experience life of riches." Caesar says.

"But let's talk about your games!" He adds, getting of the topic that has become awkward.

"May I say! What a superior surprise it was when I and the viewers saw you transform into a harmless girl, to a master fighter! How did you manage to act that well! You should check out a job at the theatre sometime." Caesar laughs.

"I just needed to be cautious. I wanted to get home." I answer.

"Well there has to another reason? Right?" He insists.

"no! I just needed to get home! To my dad! Why can't anyone understand that! Just let me go home to him!" I yell. Then I realize this is the time.

I stand up, angry at Snow and every thing about the Capitol.

"Dad! Run! SNOWS GOING TO KILL YO-" I get cut off by the cameras shutting off, and another pointy needle in my side. I slump over, back down on the sofa.

The last thought I have, is that the Capitol defiantly didn't have time to edit it out. My dad must of got the message. He MUST of.

A mans voice sounds as I loose all consciousness.

"Tell the President to punish the girl sooner. If we wait to kill him any longer she could cause a small uprising. And we can't have that. Tell him to send the peacekeeper to kill him right now."


Johanna MasonWhere stories live. Discover now