|7| To the volcano

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I drape my blanket over myself as I situate in a safe position on the branch. I see stars glowing down at me, but with that being the only light source, it makes it almost impossible to see the ground.

The careers decided to leave me. I heard them after the music ended. Each agreed that I wasn't worth the time, and that I would die off on my own. Gathering their weapons, they headed off to the lake. I'm relived they bought my act. Because if they didn't believe it, then I would be just as vulnerable of being killed by the careers as any other tribute. And they would be expecting a fight, which is the exact opposite of what I want them to think.

As tiredness sweeps over me, I gladly accept, knowing that I'll need the rest after all the action today. Plus I must find water tomorrow.
Then I fall asleep.

The morning welcomes me with its usually hot sun. And the sweat that has already come to visit me, isn't helping any with my dehydration.
I've been running, walking, crying, and sweating, without water for what seems like forever.
But I suck it up, and shove my blanket in my backpack, while grabbing two crackers and eating them hungrily. Rolling up the sleeves on my jacket, I swing the backpack onto my back, and grip the trunk of the tree, ready to climb down. Sliding off my branch and grabbing the truck, I'm hit with a wave of pain, and I remember my wounds. The blood soaked cloths, desperately needed a change, are wrapped tightly around. Merely stopping my blood flow. I never really got a good look at them, so I finally decide to take a peek. I pull the bandages off and find the wound on my leg is just a gash. Letting out a relived sigh I realize it didn't puncture anything far. That means it should heal fast. Well, fast compared to an axe cut. I got one on my shoulder once, and it took what seemed like forever to heal. I still have the scar today, and im sure it will be with me when I die too.

Next I look at my arm. Immediately I see that it's worse. A lot worse then my leg. I can tell that the arrow went far in my skin. Even though it didn't stick, I can see by the large gash, that it doesn't matter. The wound is just as bad with or without the arrow.

Quickly I re-wrap them so i don't get an infection, and suffer through the pain of climbing down the tree. Then I start to scavenger for water.

The birds tweet continuously. It's like when the sunrises, it's there cue to start to chirp until sunset.
I spot a few Mockingjays. I've only seen a few in my life time. Maybe 4 or so, when I went with my dad deep in the forest, where he and I would cut down the biggest tree we could find. Then hull it back to town and earn extra pay for all the great lumber we brought in.
On those days, he and I would build our fire nice and big at the end of the day, in our fireplace.
Then we would roast some meat. Whether it's chicken or turkey or even fish. Then, for once, we would have a hearty dinner.
With him being the only family member alive, we cherished those moments. The moments where we were actually happy again. And they didn't happen very often with my mom and sister being gone.
I can only imagine my dad right now. How he must be heartbroken that his whole family is dead. Everyone except me, who is playing a game that's point is to kill. Is to die. So I might as well be considered dead.

I roll my eyes. President Snow. He is the reason my dad will be alone. He is the reason I'm going to die and leave dad to earn money to support himself. There won't be anyone for him. Thanks to president Snow.

Hoping the cameras didn't catch my eye roll, I head the volcano direction. I don't plan to get too near. But at least the Careers think I'm by the lake not by the volcano.
Not that they'll be searching for me.

The walk is long and agonizing. It seems way farther then it was when I was traveling with Shaylor.
I know I desperately need a break, but I debate on what to do. If I take a break, I won't get to much ground today. If I don't, I will be weary, but will make it to my spot hopefully tonight. Plus I really need to win this. I'm in a bad spot right now. Right where any smart tribute would hide-out. It is a dense part of the forest, and the birds and trickling water, drown out any noise. Trickling water!

At first I think I'm hearing things, but it's not until I venture farther toward the noise, is that I find what I've been searching for.
It lays in a small stream. The liquid headed to the right of me.
I let out a relived sigh as I eagerly dig out my canteen and iodine.

I just realized it's the first time I've ever sighed. Most of my life so far consists of doing what I have to do. Not what I want to do. And usually I don't treat myself to anything. Nothing that I do benefits me, so I've never been so happy that I've sighed before. Usually when I sigh, it's of disappointment.

Flooding my canteen with the warm water, and dripping some iodine in it, I head out again. Not giving another thought to having a break. I must find a good destination by the volcano to stay for a while.

By nightfall I'm exhausted. One cannon the whole day, right after I left the stream. Great. If that pattern keeps up, the gamemakers will toss in obstacles. They'll throw a little party for us, and I bet it will happen just when I get settled in, in my hide out. I know it's sickening, but people need to start killing. I have a good chance of winning, but if I don't win, I certainly don't wanna die by some man-made creature because there wasn't enough action in the arena.

I want to die fighting to get to my dad. I'm the only thing he has left. And he's the only thing keeping me from a pit of depression that started to swell after my mom's and Jen's death. But there is one thing I'm positive about. If I ever lose my dad, I'll let the depression take over just as it wants to. Because without him there will be no one else I love.

Johanna MasonWhere stories live. Discover now