|11| Final 8?

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"Dad! It's too stormy! Let's go!" I practically scream at him over the thunder. Squinting to see him through the bucketfuls of rain pouring down, I immediately realize it's the same tree Jen was at when she.....

"Just 2 more cuts! Then I'll let the storm take it down! Just give me one second my little jewel!" He yells back at me. His dark brown hair looks black because of how wet it is.
"Dad!" This time I hear the pleading in my voice.
But he just lifts his axe above his head, and strikes it against the trunk.

For some reason I feel like I have no control over myself. Like I'm... Disembodied. I can think and react in my head, but I have no control as to what I do with my body. I can feel it, but can't move it.

My feet slowly back away involuntary. Then I jog away towards town like I did to Jen, leaving my dad in the storm.

Lightning strikes, and I speed up the longer I run. I hear the lightning getting closer and closer every second. Finally I reach the town. It's crowded with today's workers, some out of breath from running out of the forest on such short notice. Others carrying wounded or rushing to their homes. But they all are drenched in rain along with me.
A woman with a child in both arms, stops me by the shoulder which makes me lurch backwards, stopping me from my run. Her face is blurred by the rain. And the children in her arms are both crying, covering their ears from the thunder.
"Get your parents and go home! A bolt hit 3 trees in the deep forest, and fire is catching fast!" She yells at me even though shes about 5 inches from my ear.
Dad. He was in the deeper part of the forest. My heart sinks. This is almost the exact situation that I was in when Jen died. Almost.

I slowly pear toward the forest as tears fill my eyes along the rain, and not a moment later, not even a second later, I see another lumberjack. And he's hauling my dad onto the street. One look at him tells me that theres no saving him. Not even a hair on his head is left.

I'm shaken awake by a bird above me as it crows awakening the morning. And quickly I realize the real tears dripping from my eyes and sliding down my cheeks. My dad. The only person I have left to love. Gone.
That very thought pushes more tears out. At least this crying plays along with my act. I haven't been proving how weak I am for a while, so this should make up for it. I think back to the awful nightmare I had. My heart races at the sound of my dad calling me little jewel again. That's his nickname for me. It has been since I was born because my mom suggested Jewel be my name. She really liked names that started with the letter J, and when my dad suggested Johanna, she chose it over jewel. I'm kinda glad too. Jewel sounds too Capitol, too District 2.

Wiping the tears away, I plant a small kiss on the palm of my hand, then blow it to the sky, wondering if the cameras caught an accidental glimps of it, and my dad saw it.

That's just another reason to hate the Capitol. They pull us kids from the districts, from our families, and force us to fight each other. There is no one else in Panem who is more angry at the Capitol than I am. No one! They tear us away from our home in hopes! Just hopes, to amuse their citizens.
With my act, I'm openly defying the Capitol. I'm rubbing this whole Hunger games in their faces, because the concept of this, is for friends to turn on friends. For complete strangers to act like friends then kill each other. Well if I'm pretending to be someone else, I'm not me. Im not the sarcastic, offensive me. I'm not known by the tributes, or liked, or disliked. I'm.... A pretend outcast. Until the finale eight, or maybe a little after the final eight. Then I can follow through with defying the Capitol, and catch everyone off guard and kill who or whatever is in the way. I'm going to win and rub it in their face, then we will see who is amused.

Johanna MasonWhere stories live. Discover now