Chapter III: The Stories Much Nicer Than the Books Cover

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The boy holds the door knob tightly and pushes it slowly, he step in and he can see the door show the entire class room. He walks slowly while deciding where he should sit down today, but as usual when he sits down it should be in the front row. Joshua enjoys the front row; in fact, from as far as he can remember in the childhood times at the school he always chooses the front row, why is that? Because he felt close and less distraction, it makes Joshua survived almost every subject in the class. He is not the brightest bulb in the universes but he pretty confident about himself, however, he indeed survived the subject; doesn't meaning he is liked with the subject itself.

"Good morning Joshua!" a cheerful voice made the boys stops in his track and look into the source, its Mrs. Yuen, his lecturer for this subject.

Mrs. Yuen have a small and short body, it's almost like petite cat; comparing to Joshua with height around 174cm she totally like a child and Joshua always need to look down on her. Mrs. Yuan have very youthful face it's often that the student mistook her as the student too and without exception Joshua too, used to mistake her and it was funny encounter if the time trying to remind him to the past. Mrs. Yuen always extremely happy every morning and it always make the boy wondering whether this lecturer have weird attraction with "morning" or she just got her Starbucks right, but nonetheless she is a fun and a good lecturer and he respect her for that.

"You always come early, huh?" with smile plastered in his lecturer faces.

"well ma'am, I just think, since I don't have many thing to do in the morning and apparently I woke early this morning I decided to go straight to the school instead" Joshua rub the back of his head and trying to give an awkward smile to her.

"But it can't every morning right? Every lecturer who had morning class with you salutes your morning determination haha" the lecturer just shamelessly dead panned her innocent student.

"hahaha, well I guess so" the little boy only can rub his head and awkwardly laugh with that answer, if only it's easy to say that he doesn't like be in the same room with his mother. But he can't be honest can't he?

"Anyways, whatever the reason of yours that made you always comes this early every morning; I guess I can't always stick my nose in people's business can't I?" Mrs. Yuen just offers Joshua with her warm and the brightest smile and bit of sympathy and understanding feeling in it.

"In any case, I want to tell you about the assignment that I'm about to give to my entire student in this class. This one is quite heavy if you do this project all alone. So, project groups will be lighter for you all".

"I know you somehow have problem with socialize with people around you, that is why I tell you more sooner so you have times to prepared yourself and searching someone to partnered with" the small woman give Joshua little nudged on his shoulder and give a warm grip, the little boy know that his lecturer trying her best to understand and help him to trough all of this.

"Joshua... I want you at least trying to know them a bit; I heard so many rumours about you done all the group assignment all alone last years. I'm not doubt your skill and ability, but sometimes... just sometimes let people go inside your heart can nourishing" the woman faces suddenly fell with sadness and sympathy.

"I know you are good boy, but isolating yourself not always the answer. And I know, we are no longer in the high school and stuff, but human has their limit too".


The class start and like usual the boy give his best and most of his attention in the class, however, after hear such a bomb in the early of the morning he can't help but sometimes during lecture his mind drift to the ask or to be exact his lecturer plead. He is not type that like make someone disappointed with his decision, almost all his decision should do good for him but of course somehow in the same times it need to calm people that plead to him, and his lecturer request not something easy to find a way out, he can just try doing this all alone but of course his lecturer trust will decreased and that is not what he want, but sacrificing himself and trust for some stranger not sitting well in his head either. Either way he need is to find the way as quick as possible before it's out of his hand and out of controls.

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