Chapter XVIII: That Kind of Girl Actually Exist

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Yesterday event, it bring mixed feeling inside Joshua hearts, its reside and won't go away, no matter how hard he put himself in the distraction, madly because he scared with the outcome...

What kind of outcome?

He is not sure, he isn't sure for what? But the uneasy feeling just won't go away, feeling like the insect crawling underneath his skin just unbearable. If this bug can be named, Albern it is, the man suddenly becomes persistent and hard headed. Lucky for Joshua he can either ignoring the older man or at least avoid him. But days getting tired, it is not a child game like hide and seek.


"You seems pretty frustrated" the girl beside Joshua dead paned him.

They still here listening to lecturer, writing something that blab by their lecture, sometimes it's almost ridiculous by thinking this could be a way to learn, by listening someone rant.

"You think too much Kristin, its seems the lecture period makes going crazy" still focus his eyes to the front, being a good boys he is, listening each of syllable that comes from old man that standing in the front of all student.

Kristin comes closer and whispering something to Joshua ear.

"Hide it all you want" and by the times Joshua glance at her she already pull out her faces and winking.

Joshua only gives her mock smile and shake his head. This girl is too crazy, wondering whether she actually attached right now or not. If she is, the boy definitely feels bad to whoever it is.

"Today lets go to Ala monde café, it's been long times yes?" as much like Joshua, Kristin looking forward as her focus now to study.

The boys still looking forward but reply her anyways "not in the mood".

"You always not" the woman give little chuckle, like she can predict what the boys will says.

"But then... you forgot... that nothing goes nothing in my thought" with evil smirk she said it, and just that Joshua know he definitely lose.


"Just to warn you this methods won't work till the end of times" Joshua sit on the car couch

He can hears a chuckle along with evil smirk from evil woman that drive beside him, by hearing that he swear to god, that his patient got thinner each days. And he can't blame himself if his true self that he hold all this year's surfaces. Nothing he hate but persistent soul that try to penetrate his zone.

"I know it won't, but I should use what I have for long it's still last no?" the girl winking at him, and in instant he wants to puke.

And by that, the road and the time passing by, like traveling in times capsule, every scenery keep changing, and by that they are arrived at the café. Once they stepped out the car, the sun and the winds grating them along with noise that comes from around them.

"Let's get this over with" and Joshua just go inside quickly as he can, ignoring yelp from the woman.

By the times the boys step into the café, just like any other days, he can feels the sweet aroma, and just like usually this places crowded with peoples, and as usually... he doesn't like it.

The sweet aroma still flying around like wind yet it's not helping at all, he still in pain, walking slowly ignoring the glance and the greeting comes to him, sits at the corner, feeling numb crawling over his body. Sit alone he is, yet not for long Kristin sit in the front of him, pouting mouth ranting about how rude Joshua could be.

But Joshua didn't feel bad, why? Because it's not him that should be anticipate, peoples that comes to his lives should. It's not his fault he keep chanting that in his mind. He can see Kristin rating about him, yet nothing actually processed. He is to in pain to understand that. He is tries his best to conceal everything, and he can feels that his sanity lost along with it.

The boys grab the ice cold tea that he ordered and drink it in one go, no hesitated comes, he just do it, and he success to make his brain numb, because he believed with pain he can bring himself back, and yes... just by that, the pain and the darkness that tried to engulf him gone. And he can see and feels everything normally again.

"Hey... are you alright?" Kristin show concern toward Joshua.

Joshua laugh a little feeling refreshed, and he is showing his perfect fake smile like what he always do.

"I'm..., nothing to be fear of, I'm completely fine" Joshua looking at the menu again and now he is back to his old self why not ordered something to fill his belly.

Even though the woman knows Joshua acting strange, yet she dismissed it like any other days, its feels like norm, like Joshua have mind that different from any other human being, crazy yes?

They enjoying their times, at least Joshua tried too. The chatting, discussing, and inhale all the positive fragrance from this lovely days, along with the good vibe from the band that perform there. Yes their friends, their times seems synchronized somehow, it's funny how human interact yes? And that is the reason up until now Joshua, the poor boy always alone, he feels human to human relationship something that is so out of reach for him, feels like alien.

How sad isn't it?

How tragedy isn't?

Human who should be connected but yet not...

They indeed playing on theatre stage.


"It's so quick isn't?" suddenly Kristin open her mouth, before, she is starring at the band contently, what turn her focus away?

"What do you implement about?" Joshua still not leaving his stare from the performer.

"The semester, it's almost done yes?" and the woman still have her focus on the stoic figure of Joshua.

"Yeah... now you mention it" Joshua shipping the liquid from the small cup in the front of him, showing full attention to the woman.

"So... tell me, where do you want to go? You know for holiday" the woman smile warmly to him.

"Nothing in particular" as that the boys give his attention to something else outside the windows.

"Come on, you can tell me, everyone have their desired places to be when they want to have a rest, don't you think?" the woman resting her faces with both of his hands, make her somehow object of sculpture.

"Is that so... "The poor boys playing with his drink, swirl the spoon upon the liquid, and mixed everything inside even more, the sugar and all becomes one.

"Mine probably beach"

"Really? Why?" the woman have little surprise, never though she got such wish from the boys in that seat in the front of him.

"I just never seen the real beach I guess... "With small smile and he still playing with his drink.

And with that suddenly Kristin have some though inside her head, and by that her smile wide appear. And just by that the boys know, Kristin planning something bad.

All human never really need taste the luxury, that is what the boys though, because...

Once you taste that sweet of warm, you will carve it for the rest of your life.


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