Chapter XXI: Regretful Memory

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"Surprisingly, you both did a great job, congrats" Mrs. Yuen, looking up to the two gentleman standing in the front of her. With wide smile and it's almost like the smile going to change the old woman faces.

Joshua and Daniel just standing patiently, waiting anything worse that might come from this lecture, and weird enough, it was never comes.

The old woman just go through the paper made by her student slowly, like her taste sense lies at her finger, tasting one by one page, savoring the collusion between her finger skin and the paper. And she is impressed by the result of the unlikely pair.

"We are glad that we meet you expectation" Joshua spoke gently, almost like he is noble that talking with queen.

"Cut that crap, Yuen you better stop messing with me upon this further" Daniel just cut Joshua and go on rampage.

"Give me a break young man, it's what required for my class, you and your attitude! Could you just learn some manner from this boy beside you? Come on, few days with him you not learn one or two things?" Yuen only pouting almost childishly, from the way Yuen talk and take the rude remark, it can be concluded that both have known each other's closed enough.

"You both indeed looks very closed" Joshua smile with his signature fake smile, showing some fake amused tone dancing from his teeth.

"Oh, sure I'm, this rude boys here, happen to be my daughter student during his high school times" Yuen just waving her hand, taking the man she point out nothing but a burden.

"Save to says that you family have been tough him, right Mrs. Yuen?" Joshua casually reply her just in the form of politeness.

"Well now I think about that, I can put that on my resume" Yuen, make thinking faces and point out Joshua with smile bigger than moon.

"Don't you dare encourage her!" Daniel frowning and mad, also ready to smack both cocky human in the front of him.


The both boys walking down the hall wearing such exhausting faces, pleasing someone not always fun just like what peoples said, and Yuen someone that like to please indeed. Lucky enough Yuen let them go after done scanning all their assignment paper.

The times their take to finish such bothersome and hassle project indeed a big deal, it's not easy for some cases, not to mention that both of the boys not in their good shape. And their vision not always the same. But in turn of event, turn out Daniel more capable than anyone can expect, in fact, he is more than professional to finish this works. With so much boundaries and stigma that can blindly put on Daniel this person turn out very reliable and took Joshua more than words "pleased" to described his feeling after everything is done.

"I never though you can be reliable honestly speaking" Joshua still put his face straight through the hall and keep walking in the same pace as Daniel.

"Are you telling me I'm useless?" Daniel just give Joshua sheepish smile.

"No, I just saying that you exceed my hope, which is good" Joshua throw cocky smile along with the reply.

"You are pretty cocky boys indeed" Daniel shake his head with mock tone along the words.

"I take that as compliment" the boy even cockier now.

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