Chapter XX: Bitter Clown

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The star in the sky died down by the city light, it's so bright and so blinding that even the natured itself admitted to be defeated by it. The city road busy like usual, full of car light and soaked in the noise. It's like a yellow fireflies flying around and its almost distracting peoples to chase it and tempt them standing in the middle of road.

A yell can be heard once in a while, sometimes peoples can hear a curse and aggressive words comes from cars, yelling like a mad man like they just rape by live, perhaps they are. Their rights to enjoy their night particularly gone and dying. And who doesn't going to mad, after all they are only weakling human. And sometimes some peoples rushing like they have been chasing by the reaper himself, like their soul already contracted with the hell.

A woman yell for taxi and aggressively jump in, after all in this place, in the top of night, in this such hours which is busy hours, taxi it's something precious that you could exchange with your soul.

Human such a greedy yet foolish creature, they do this round up things, that they repeat in thousand times, they still willingly do it again, all for the sake of living, in the end human just ugly creature.

Not far from the crowded place, or to be exact in the middle and part of it, a man sitting down inside luxurious building, looking troughs the window from second floor, admiring how tonight as merciless as any other night.

In the night this town could be really heartless, blow freezing wind around the corner, not even a lonely alley can escape the bitter weather, the man calmly sit down and looking like aristocrat that sheltered from the frost bite. After all his kind is the kind that no need to lay any finger to make something happen at any times.

Inside the building peoples sit down and chattering, wearing such glamorous clothes like they are in the funeral, wearing jewellery like it's made from the god tears. In this places, no exception but all soul nothing but a gluttonous devil.

The man not swimming inside his mind, the others hand tapping on the map that laying on the tables, while others hand holding onto expensive wine. The melody creates by the tapping finger almost synch with his heart beating. Nervousness indeed took lot from peoples, the man sometimes sipping his glass, taste the bitter yet sweet wine come passing his mouth and exploded with flavour on his tongue.

"Where is he? Its seem tonight case took lot of his times" the masculine man looking through his expensive watch that hanging around his wrist, its shinning and creates from nice and well down material, custom there is no others answer.

After a while night still busy, and they street still crowded with peoples. A lovely days for king to look down on peasant. While he keep waiting, he though he send a message to the person he is waiting, saying that he going to eat his dinner first, feeling bad, but then again he is not on diet why holding back?

He only lift his hand half way and the waitress hurriedly comes to his aid, pouring more wine to the king's almost empty glass.

"Is there anything you liked to order sir?" the waitress bowing and lowering her head, bringing herself down like she is nothing but a mere insect.

The man took his time browsing troughs the menu, playing with his gentle yet rough hands, sliding troughs the soft surfaces of the paper, jumping from one food to another. He softly point his hand toward the name, and spoken it with such manner and manly aura which dancing from his words.

The waitress bowing and excuse herself signing she will obediently send the request to the cook.

The blub that flying outside the windows busy make a bright typhoon, make the same motion again and again, yet in different colour painting the night, especially the busy road. Like shooting star. After all human indeed able to make any artificial thing that resemble natured, indeed, human only cocky creature that think they are god.

Encounters: Stained RegaliaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu