22 : 'Past'

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Chapter 22

(Previously... Around two years ago)

"What is going on?" I asked as soon as I got down from my room. She was standing outside the closed room wherefrom the voices were coming out.

"Go back to your room!" She said authoritively after giving me a look.

Loud noises from inside the study could be heard and the owner of that voice was a single person.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to distract myself from what was going on.

She tried to concentrate hard on the noises, "He asked me to be here"

I let out a small laugh, "Yeah, right"

She crossed her hands over her chest and turned towards me, "Little Amy, isn't it past your bedtime yet?"

I was angry; it wasn't the first time that she had mocked me. And also it wasn't the first time she got away with it.

"You can't boss me around! It's my fucking life!!" I could hear Noah yell from inside the room.

My eyes widened, "Did he just swore"
I had never heard anyone swear in this house before. And Noah did that here in front of everyone?!

I could see a small smirk creeping up in Rosalie's lips. I hated how she looked at me. I always hated her. She was ruining Noah's life and she didn't even care what Noah was becoming into.

"What are you smiling about-"

"Shhh-" She put a finger on her lip to quiet me down, "Listen-" She moved closer to the door to hear clearly.

"I don't care anymore! You think I am ruining myself? But guess what, somebody still loves me the way I am. She loves me unlike you people-" I heard Noah's voice again. It was strange that I couldn't hear anyone else's voice but Noah's. He was shouting the most or probably the only one.

"Why is he so angry?" I whispered to Rosalie.

She shrugged while looking to the door again. Maybe she thought staring at the door would make her listen more clearly.

"-And you, Mr. Caleb Ryder! The rich, successful, billionaire businessman, do you think I haven't heard about your past?-" There was a short commotion. Women's voices could be heard, but those were faint, "Leave me!" Noah shouted again, "Let me say what I came to say. You people treat Dad like he's the god. He was much worse than I am. His entire life all he has done is boss around people- bully them, scare them and even buy them if he had to!"

I was shaking inside. I had never heard anyone talk to dad like this before. And to think Noah would do this in front of everyone. I walked towards the door-

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